1:1 printout for small item
Normally if you make a box 5 inch by 5 inch and try to print it out at full size on A size paper, SU will cut it up in to 6 sheets!
I finally found a workaround for this problem.
It appears that the drawing you are trying to print out for A size paper is too small for SU to handle. After all SU was designed to print out the 3D geometry of a size of a skyscraper on to A size paper. When the geometry you are asking to handle gets smaller than A size paper SU starts to do some weird things. This problem is encountered with number of other 3D software as well.
So the answer is simple. After drawing is done just scale it up by 10. And print it at 1 / 10 scale. You get full size printout. It works! By the way SU can handle geometry up to 9.3 inches by 6.5 inches per A size paper. If your geometry is larger than that, cut it up yourself and print it on multiple sheets. That way you have full control over the output.