HOW TO DRAW AN UNEVEN POLYGON??? Arrrrgggggghhhhhh!!!!!!
Hi, Im currently tracing a 2D drawing (which i have imported) on Sketch-Up.
The problem is that i cant get a good trace of the image as the image is uneven polygons. I am using the arc tool or line tool but the image that im tracing does not have regular curves or straight lines also when i try and join the lines up they DONT! I have to zoom in all the way just to see the end of the line and then snap.
What is the easiest way to do this?
After tracing the image i am hoping to extrude the polygons to 3D by using the push / pull tool.
Why such a tiny image? I have some ideas how to go about this, but I'd like to try my hand at it before I start advising.
If you provide a representative image, I'll see what I can suggest.
Sorry, there was an upload limit. Had to decrease the image, nevertheless you can roughly make out the surrounding area of what do you think is the best way to trace such irregular shapes? what tool(s) should i use?
Hi Joe,
You could try by using the Bezier Spline Plugin.
This will give you more control and options than the standard SU tools. -
Thanks for the plugin!!! that helped!
Hi Joejoejoe, hi folks.
A trick I find usefull when tracing over an image is to make sure that I have not enabled "Length snapping" in Preferences --> Model Info --> Units.
In fact, I never use that feature.
This allows more precise placement of endpoints for lines and arcs wich are the tools I use the most for tracing an image. The "Arc" Tool is quite powerfull since you can start a new arc at the end of the preceding one and get a "Tangent" inference to make nice smooth transitions from arc to arc. LAter, I come back and optimise the number of segments to lower the model size. Shallow arcs, usually, can get by with fewer segments.
Just ideas.