Drawing on a curved surface?
How can I draw on a curved surface? Thank you.
You can do it using the script ToolOnSurface (TOS). have a look at the Ruby subforum.
Don't overlook the "drape" tool in the Sandbox tools. Here's a recent example:
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=68491d5218d5b4ccc34adbe2a4618c46You can read about draping, and the sandbox tools, in the Users Guide:
I can't seem to put a line onto a cylinder using the drape tool.
Then download that plugin. A whole cylindrical surface could be hard with the drape tool.
Normally you cannot draw on curved surfaces (after all the drape tool is also a "Plugin")
OR you can turn on hidden geometry (View menu) and draw on the facets.
How do I put the plugin into sketchup after I dl it?
It's a zipped plugin. Unzip it (and don't change anything) into the Plugins folder in the Sketchup program folder (on windows).
Restart SU and activate the toolbar under the View > Toolbars (it will be some "On surface operations" or something.