SU Animate Question
I'm creating a product animation and want to show a device cutting a circle in an object. I have been unable to figure out how to make it appear that the slot is being cut as the device rotates. The attached demo shows the device rotating and then fades to the final scene with the slot cut. The only thing I can come up with is to render the scene and then hand modify the individual frames.
Any better suggestions?
A basic thing
Put things that must be trimed on a layer
Then in the scene after rotation disable this layer
Et voila -
Thanks Pilou,
I'm not sure I understand what you are suggesting, but thinking about what you said, I came up with this solution. It is not simple to implement, but gets the job done.
Your result is perfect!
I believe that you can make similar with Rotation Sections plans + Proper animation by Moris Dov
with 4 scenes: as soon as I have some free times i will try it and send to you the result -
Thanks Pilou,
I'm thinking about asking if the ability to hide groups sequentially could be added to SU Animate. That would make my life easier because I often need to move and hide things during an animation. I'll have toi think about how that might work logically.
Damned I have not found the trick for use the Section Plan for adapt it to the clear cylinder
Just the Rotate of the Proper Animation works fine
(Enable Menu Plugins Start animation observer before launch the "Play animation)