It keeps crashing!!!
Hi, I am going mad with the crashing! I will be working fine and all the sudden the program crashes. It's just gone .... what could be causing this?
Welcome to the forum
However, nobody can answer your question if you don't give any information about the crashes, such as:
What version of SU? Have you the latest?
What operating system? What OS service pack?
What CPU? How much RAM? What graphics card?What are you doing when SU crashes? Do you get an error message?
Does it always happen with the same model file? Does it happen with a new empty model?
Does it still crash if you uncheck Window>Preferences>OpenGL>Use Hardware acceleration? If this helps it would indicate that you have a problem with your graphics card driver.
It sucks when it crashes....
I went through that stage when I had a 32mb video card before, an open case cpu with a fan full blast to keep my cpu run cool.
It also cool working on sketchup, together listening in a winamp, and browsing internet.
but in the end we all depend on the hardwares of our computer.
I dont have the latest cpu. Dual core athlon64 x2, 2gig ram, 512mb video, but i still make sure to close other programs when woking with sketchup just to make sure I dont get crahsed and have a better response.
try to download the latest one, it did save my time once.