I'll add to this too!!! Happy Birthday Todd, hope you find roses to smell.....
your worries.
on to better things.
the town red.
Tell your friends to
your favorite watering hole.
up a stool.
your drink with those next to you.
yours up.
on your bar stool.
Pick up a second drink with your
Compare with a stranger.
Now the room is lookingGet someone to drive you home.
Happy Birthday. -
And if you can't find someone to come home with you....
Happy Birthday, Todd.
Happy birthday.
That jerky? Yum.
I guess I've never been late to my birthday before... Thank you all so much!
I'm glad you were, I wasn't here at the right time and would have missed it completely.
Happy Birthday and very best wishes Todd.
Neraly missed it. Have a good one Todd
...to you
Happy Birthday One Day Late!!!
Funnily enough I've been thinking about you lately (not like that!) as I'm working with a model with loads of scenes and I'm having to constantly move them around , delete them, insert new, etc and so I've been using your brilliant "Renumber Scenes" ruby script very frequently. I'm serious when I say that every single time I click on that magic little time-saver I think "Thanks Todd!" The funniest thing is that I've realised that not only does it help me keep track of things a little more easily, but I think the simple act of returning all scenes to perfect numerical order appeals to some deep-seated autistic part of my brain (we all have it... well, architects anyway!) which likes things to be... just so.
Jackson, I'm glad you are getting good mileage out of it!
Hi Todd, hi folks.
Better late than never.
Happy birthday