US Election results.
@unknownuser said:
I didn't cry and whine and threaten to move out of the country
Umm...exactly where in the world would you go anyway?
Well according to that map thing. . .Didn't LeSoto look good?
@solo said:
@unknownuser said:
I didn't cry and whine and threaten to move out of the country
Umm...exactly where in the world would you go anyway?
Exactly. Hollywood libs who cry and whine and threaten to move away have plenty of choices. It's not so easy for conservatives who believe in limited government as envisioned by the Founders.
@rickw said:
8 years of irratational bitterness
War mongering. Staunchly lying to the UN. Illegally obducting foreign nationals. Torture. Detaining foreign nationals on refutable grounds. Violating international law. Bullying. Arrogance. Cynicism.
Complaining about this, protesting against this, is not 'bitterness'. Neither is it irrational. It's common decency. It's normal.
@unknownuser said:
@rickw said:
8 years of irratational bitterness
War mongering. Staunchly lying to the UN. Illegally obducting foreign nationals. Torture. Detaining foreign nationals on refutable grounds. Violating international law. Bullying. Arrogance. Cynicism.
Complaining about this, protesting against this, is not 'bitterness'. Neither is it irrational. It's common decency. It's normal.
I'm thoroughly disappointed in many of Bush's policies, so I'm not defending. I'm pointing out the irrational bitterness and hatred that started before he even took the Oath of Office.
Interesting you noted "arrogance" (another word for "audacity")...
Aha. Now that's something else entirely. Partizan politics.
@rickw said:
Interesting you noted "arrogance" (another word for "audacity")...
Why's that?
@rickw said:
@unknownuser said:
@rickw said:
8 years of irratational bitterness
War mongering. Staunchly lying to the UN. Illegally obducting foreign nationals. Torture. Detaining foreign nationals on refutable grounds. Violating international law. Bullying. Arrogance. Cynicism.
Complaining about this, protesting against this, is not 'bitterness'. Neither is it irrational. It's common decency. It's normal.
I'm thoroughly disappointed in many of Bush's policies, so I'm not defending. I'm pointing out the irrational bitterness and hatred that started before he even took the Oath of Office.
Interesting you noted "arrogance" (another word for "audacity")...
Errr. No. Arrogance isn't vaguely related to audacity, it's more like stupidity and ignorance. Everyone from around the world can see that this guy had below average IQ and a failure to grasp some of the finer complexities of the World. It was plainly obvious from the moment he opened his mouth and I quote:
- "We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." —Gothenburg, Sweden, June 14, 2001".
- "Do you have blacks, too?" —to Brazilian President Fernando Cardoso, Washington, D.C., Nov. 8, 2001
- "We need an energy bill that encourages consumption." —Trenton, N.J., Sept. 23, 2002
- "Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties." —discussing the Iraq war with Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson, as quoted by Robertson
- "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." —State of the Union Address, Jan. 28, 2003, making a claim that administration officials knew at the time to be false
- I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn't do my job." —to a group of Amish he met with privately, July 9, 2004
and so on and so forth
What happened when he took office is plain proof that for some people, first impression is enough to judge them. The guys is close to being a retard.
@chango70 said:
@rickw said:
Interesting you noted "arrogance" (another word for "audacity")...
Errr. No. Arrogance isn't vaguely related to audacity, it's more like stupidity and ignorance. Everyone from around the world can see that this guy had below average IQ and a failure to grasp some of the finer complexities of the World. It was plainly obvious from the moment he opened his mouth. What happened when he took office is plain proof that for some people, first impression is enough to judge them.
Check your thesaurus again.
@rickw said:
@chango70 said:
@rickw said:
Interesting you noted "arrogance" (another word for "audacity")...
Errr. No. Arrogance isn't vaguely related to audacity, it's more like stupidity and ignorance. Everyone from around the world can see that this guy had below average IQ and a failure to grasp some of the finer complexities of the World. It was plainly obvious from the moment he opened his mouth. What happened when he took office is plain proof that for some people, first impression is enough to judge them.
Check your thesaurus again.
Check yours mate. -
I'm sure he knows what it means. I'm also sure that the meaning of words can overlap to some extent without the words being exact synonyms.
Heh ... he beat me to it.
Lets just say the part of US that inspires the World isn't the part that voted for G.W.Bush. It is the part that voted for Obama.
@chango70 said:
Lets just say the part of US that inspires the World isn't the part that voted for G.W.Bush. It is the part that voted for Obama.
Well, it's just too damn bad you can't vote, isn't it?
@bellwells said:
Well, it's just too damn bad you can't vote, isn't it?
Not really. Didn't you read the papers?
@rickw said:
Interesting you noted "arrogance" (another word for "audacity")...
@chango70 said:
@rickw said:
@chango70 said:
Errr. No. Arrogance isn't vaguely related to audacity, it's more like stupidity and ignorance. Everyone from around the world can see that this guy had below average IQ and a failure to grasp some of the finer complexities of the World. It was plainly obvious from the moment he opened his mouth. What happened when he took office is plain proof that for some people, first impression is enough to judge them.
Check your thesaurus again.
Check yours mate., you found two sources that didn't include the word "arrogance".
Your first one uses "arrogance" as the definition of audacity. Does that mean you'll edit again to remove it?
Also, arrogance is not tied to stupidity and ignorance in the dictionary. It's tied to "overbearing" and "presumptious".
Now, the point is, the two words have very similar meanings, and can sometimes be used interchangeably (as noted by stinkie). Would it make you feel better if I rephrased my statement? Try this:
Interesting you noted "arrogance" (a word quite similar to "audacity" in many thesauri)...@chango70 said:
Lets just say the part of US that inspires the World isn't the part that voted for G.W.Bush. It is the part that voted for Obama.
I'd disagree with that somewhat as well. You're comparing unrelated entities, which skews the results of your conclusion, and making a broad generalization that probably is inaccurate at many levels. For instance, anyone who voted for Bush AND Obama would become simultaneously inspiring and uninspiring, which would disprove your statement. But like I said originally, I'm not supporting Bush here.
@unknownuser said:
@bellwells said:
Well, it's just too damn bad you can't vote, isn't it?
Not really. Didn't you read the papers?
Not sure I understand what you mean.
@unknownuser said:
Aha. Now that's something else entirely. Partizan politics.
@rickw said:
Interesting you noted "arrogance" (another word for "audacity")...
Why's that?
"Audacity of Hope" or "Arrogance of Hope". Take your pick.
Mission accomplished = Audacity of Hope.
@bellwells said:
@chango70 said:
Lets just say the part of US that inspires the World isn't the part that voted for G.W.Bush. It is the part that voted for Obama.
Well, it's just too damn bad you can't vote, isn't it?
I didn't need to in this case now did I. The results came out that way. I can't wait till January 20, when George W Bush takes his last trip on Air Force One, back to Texas where his cowboy costume wearing ass belongs.
@alan fraser said:
The difference between arrogance and audacity is simply that although audacity can have both negative and positive connotations (arrogance or bravura)it usually used in the positive sense, whereas arrogance is always entirely negative.
Exactly they are not interchangeble in context of their negative/positive connotations. When you change a word from one with positive connotation to a synonym with negative connotation it is usually refered to as SPIN. Don't try to spin this one please it's just cringe inducing.
The difference between arrogance and audacity is simply that although audacity can have both negative and positive connotations (arrogance or bravura) it is usually used in the positive sense, whereas arrogance is always entirely negative.