What are you listening to?
Pendulum- propane nightmares
it makes me go all
i like it
I just discovered Bon Iver and his music is just fantastic.
He recorded his album 'For Emma,Forever ago' (2007) in his log cabin in the woods of Winsconsin.Best singer-song-writer I heard since Jeff Buckley died. Superb stuff.
Two nice songs on the album giving me goose bumps :
The wolves (act I & II)
[flash=425,344:2xl7e5j8]http://www.youtube.com/v/z9lrVZdaluk&hl=en&fs=1[/flash:2xl7e5j8]and..Skinny love
[flash=425,344:2xl7e5j8]http://www.youtube.com/v/UrMmr1oMPGA&hl=en&fs=1[/flash:2xl7e5j8] -
Horse The Band - Sex Raptor ... Nintendo meets rock...
Dan le sac vs Scroobios - Thou shalt Kill!
Nothing....I never listen to anything while at work and rarely listen to anything other than classical music. I find that music is or can become a distraction from thinking. When I am truly focused on work I can sometimes completely loose track of time and place and become absorbed in my efforts. Music and in particular music that has lyrics can distract me from my own thoughts. Purely instrumental music is OK but even that can be a distraction.
I would be hard pressed to even name a current band, let alone the name of one of their songs. Even when I listen to music I rarely know who is playing it and don't retain that information even if it is announced on the radio.
Want To
Baby Girl
Sugarland and Little Big Town’s cover of the
1980’s Dream Academy song Life In A Northern Town.
Great stuff![flash=425,344:1xr8t43k]http://www.youtube.com/v/VLGt_c0noTA&feature=related[/flash:1xr8t43k]
Sixteen Horsepower. David Eugene Edwards is a bit of a religious nut (from where I'm standing, that is), but he sounds fan-tas-tic. May the deity of his choice treat him kindly.
'For Heaven's Sake':
Covering Joy Division's 'Heart and Soul':
They have a superb version of Joy Division's 'Day of the Lords' (better than the original! faut le faire!), but I couldn't find a clip of that one.
kerrang radio: http://www.whatson.com/kerrang/
hours of fun, and all for free.
Grooveshark http://grooveshark.com/
Guided By Voices
Queens Of The Stone Age
Aaaaaand ... the irreplacable Mark Lanegan