Why vote Obama?
Toally agree. (the coal ad)
Was that supposed to be a negative Ad?
As for the next one, well she is about to get a rude awakening.
Amen, brother...the coal industry should be as self-reliant as the rest of us: make'em stand on their own two feet without government hand-outs!
(Suppose she really said "worry on" rather than "work on" :`)
This will help squelch out any dissenters that want to disagree with or slow the change that he promises. Finally, a president that will really fight for what he believes. Good for him. The best thing about this is that the money will come from the top 1% of the wage earners. What a way to make those suckers pay!
?? Can you post a bit more than just a sound bite? One has to hear in which context that was said .... or else it's just a Rush Limbaug posting, by editing around sentences to provoke response.
Thankfully, guys like this won't be part of the civilian national security force (CNSF)!
Now if we never had such war hungry leadership he would still have his leg, I guess that never crossed his mind did it.
Make the coal industry stand on their own two feet without government handouts???? What the hell does this even mean? This displays an astonishing ignorance typical of the hopelessly looney left.
Bend over folks, this is the kind of thinking that will invade Washington if BHO gets in.
@unknownuser said:
this is the kind of thinking that will invade Washington if BHO gets in.
That's a good thing right?
48 hours and counting.
@david. said:
It's going to be a wonderful world..
Oh my yes, what a wonderful world it gonna be. Now I can get the gov'ment to pay for my rent, my gas and everthing.
@solo said:
@unknownuser said:
this is the kind of thinking that will invade Washington if BHO gets in.
That's a good thing right?
48 hours and counting.
With all the chest pounding you guys have been doing, BHO had better win or you're going to be real embarrassed.
@unknownuser said:
With all the chest pounding you guys have been doing, BHO had better win or you're going to be real embarrassed.
Nope, but very dissapointed, I doubt 56 million people are stupid enough to repeat their last mistake.
@solo said:
@unknownuser said:
With all the chest pounding you guys have been doing, BHO had better win or you're going to be real embarrassed.
Nope, but very dissapointed, I doubt 56 million people are stupid enough to repeat their last mistake.
Do me a favor on election night, watch as many different stations as you can and see where you detect bias. BHO
I get my real news from PBS, and when I want an opinion I go to MSNBC for a liberal take and Fox for a conservative take.
I've finally figured out Obama's mass appeal - he's in favor of everything he opposes (or does he oppose everything he supports).
Suported and opposed the troop surge in Iraq
reducing military spending and increasing militiary spending (2:34)
not touching the strategic oil reserve and tapping the strategic oil reserve
He's on the Senate Banking Committee and he's not on the Senate Banking Committee
an undivided Jerusalem should be Israel's capital and its status should be negotiated (divided)
He wants to end the US embargo on Cuba and he wants to maintain the US embargo on Cuba
He thinks free trade is good and bad
He thinks Iran is not a threat and is a threat.Seems that whenever he says "let me be clear..." or "I've always said..." it means he's changing his position again.
Well, after Tuesday, it will all be over (double-entendre intended).
@solo said:
I doubt 56 million people are stupid enough to repeat their last mistake.
Are you serious? Clinton and Bush both got two terms. So, regardless of which side of the aisle you're on, it should be easy to believe people are that stupid. I mean, look at the insanity of Obama being the Dem candidate in the first place.
@solo said:
:thumb: Toally agree. (the coal ad)
Was that supposed to be a negative Ad?
Well, it does display Obama's naivete about the environment and the economy in one fell swoop. Anyone who believes CO2 is the causal agent really doesn't get it - CO2 trails temperature change - it doesn't lead it. Thus, his proposal is naive. Furthermore, the backlash on the economy would be enormous, all to impact a fraction of a percent of the world's greenhouse gases, which wouldn't make a bit of difference. Remember, the last ice age ended without human intervention - the earth gets cooler and warmer based on cycles and events much larger than us.
Rick, I had forgotten how many times Obama has flip-flopped (probably more than Kerry). To those who don't wear rose colored glasses, this is a transparent way to lure votes from those who aren't paying attention. EDITED
Um... I think not, Mccain is the candidate that has won the flip-flop award, in fact he wins the 'sell your soul' award for not only changing his views but also his principles.
here is just a few, there are many more.-
McCain criticized TV preacher Jerry Falwell as “an agent of intolerance” in 2002, but has since decided to cozy up to the man who said Americans “deserved” the 9/11 attacks. (Indeed, McCain has now hired Falwell’s debate coach.)
McCain used to oppose Bush’s tax cuts for the very wealthy, but he reversed course in February.
In 2000, McCain accused Texas businessmen Sam and Charles Wyly of being corrupt, spending “dirty money” to help finance Bush’s presidential campaign. McCain not only filed a complaint against the Wylys for allegedly violating campaign finance law, he also lashed out at them publicly. In April, McCain reached out to the Wylys for support.
McCain supported a major campaign-finance reform measure that bore his name. In June, he abandoned his own legislation.
McCain used to think that Grover Norquist was a crook and a corrupt shill for dictators. Then McCain got serious about running for president and began to reconcile with Norquist.
McCain took a firm line in opposition to torture, and then caved to White House demands.
McCain gave up on his signature policy issue, campaign-finance reform, and won’t back the same provision he sponsored just a couple of years ago.
McCain was against presidential candidates campaigning at Bob Jones University before he was for it.
McCain was anti-ethanol. Now he’s pro-ethanol.
McCain was both for and against state promotion of the Confederate flag.
And now he’s both for and against overturning Roe v. Wade.
Congratulations. You have established that both candidates are either liars, hypocrites or both. What a revelation.
I'm with Ron on this one. I would vote for a third alternative candidate (or not at all, if no suitable alternative is available) rather than vote for either of these political careerists.Regards
Mr S -
@solo said:
Um... I think not, Mccain is the candidate that has won the flip-flop award, in fact he wins the 'sell your soul' award for not only changing his views but also his principles.
here is just a few, there are many more.What do you mean, you "think not"? With what are you disagreeing? I only wish I could accuse Obama of abandoning his (Marxist) principles. If I could, I don't think I wouldn't oppose him quite as much...
As for the "flip-flop award", it must go to Obama. McCain may have had more changes in position over the long-term, but it's only because he has more history in government. When Obama backpedals within 24 hours (Jerusalem), it's clear he's the flip-flop king.
BTW, I didn't mention Obama's flip-flops on drugs, energy, guns, illegal immigration, Iraq, Israel, legalizing marijuana, lobbyist influence, Marxism, offshore drilling, patriotism, public finance, religion, single payer healthcare, socialized medicine, spending, or terrorism. Regardless, it's all moot.
@solo said:
- McCain supported a major campaign-finance reform measure that bore his name. In June, he abandoned his own legislation.
Good thing. McCain-Feingold was a disaster. Not that the general idea of campaign finance reform is bad, but it was a dumb implementation. I'd like to think he figured out that what was well-intentioned actually was a bad idea. Like the old Dakota saying, when you find yourself riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount. Unfortunately, politicians usually apply any number of other, less sensible strategies, like
- Buying a stronger whip.
- Changing riders.
- Accusing the other party of killing the horse.
- During elections, claiming the opponent's horse is more dead.
- Appointing a congressional committee to study the horse.
- Increasing the standards for riding dead horses.
- Creating a government-funded training program to increase riding ability.
- Comparing the state of dead horses in today's environment.
- Creating a new entitlement program to fund disadvantaged riders of dead horses.
- Harnessing several dead horses together for increased speed.
- Providing additional funding to increase the horse's performance.
- Declaring that the horse is better, faster, and cheaper when dead.
- Revisiting the performance requirements for horses.
- Promoting the dead horse to a cabinet-level position.
- Spending a trillion dollars to bail out gamblers who bet on dead horses.adapted from http://soli.inav.net/~catalyst/Humor/dhorse.htm
@solo said:
- McCain gave up on his signature policy issue, campaign-finance reform, and won’t back the same provision he sponsored just a couple of years ago.
ditto my above comment, since you apparently dittoed yours.
Well, time to go vote. May the best dead horse win...