Not sure what to make in SU, need ideas
Just starting to mess around with sketchup, can someone give me an idea/link on something to do? Thanks.
Hi Insaneman (and welcome to SU as well as SCF).
I'm not sure what to suggest but what I did when I started SU was just to mess around, find out the tools and after a while, when I already had some clue, I went through the whole SU Guide and did everything that's explained there step by step.
By the time you think you can handle SU efficiently, you will have ideas about some reasonable project to do.
What is your profesion/work/studies etc. anyay? Do you mean to use SU in your work or just hobbying around?
Model your house, your room, a soda can, a car...
Do what I did, find some woodworking plans and make SU models of them.
Mouse/keyboard/computer screen is always a good place to start if your not feeling very inspired.
SketchUp is just a tool, as is, say, ... a telephone. I don't hear anyone asking "I now have a telephone, who should I call?" (You're obviously going to call someone you know; someone important to you.)
The same applies to SketchUp. Model something you know; something important to you.
I know, I said SketchUp is "just" a tool, but I agree it's a really cool tool! Learn all you can about SketchUp's features, study as many tutorials as you can find, read the Users Guide, and practice, practice, practice. When the time comes to model something really important to you, you're more likely to have the required skills.
@taffgoch said:
I don't hear anyone asking "I now have a telephone, who should I call?"
I hate to spoil your example, Taff, but when I got my phone, that's exactly what I said.
@unknownuser said:
":35h96pqt]...when I got my phone, that's exactly what I said."
...I don't know whether to laughor cry