Drape Bugsplat
I am asking if someone can just check the following file please.
I have created a landscape with From Contours using an ACAD provided .dwg.
I can import the contours, run From Contours and it creates the surface ok.Where I am having problems is in draping the road/building outlines onto this new surface.
I constantly get a Bugsplat at 40%.
Even if I draw a single line above the surface to Drape, it still Bugsplats at 40%.Can someone check the attached dwg on their machine please, just so I can eliminate the possibility of it being partly to do with my comp.
Hi Dylan,
No problem here draping it (although it's a rather slow craputer in the office). I only draped a square however.
I am currently having the same problem. Suddenly, today out of nowhere, I get the bug splat everytime I try to drape something. Including draping one rectangle onto another.
Your file crashed my Sketchup.
I've been dealing with this this morning. I have uninstalled and reinstalled SU. Still have the problem.
I have the most recent version. I do not understand what's causing the problem.