Where can I download the 'sub divide and smooth' tool?
It looks great and I think I have to have it!
how did you get the zip to wrap around the "gooch" area? i can't work it out (admittedly i've been up for 38 hours so my brain is like mush)
oh and please excuse the term gooch, didn't know what else to call it ?!
Haha, in regards to the "Gooch" area, I moved them into position and rotated them individually. I wondered if there was a better way to do it, but that's the only way I know.
well that is how i would have done it.
glad to know i'm not going insane!
maybe some sleep for me now....
I think maybe you could use the 'Drop at Intersection'
Nice work Cheffey!
Haha... great model cheffey... I can't wait to play this game! I've heard a lot of good things about it so we'll see...
Yeah, i can't wait. it should be fun to see how different people make levels for it and share.
My kids are pretty young and when they saw this model they were like "oooooh! cool little big planet guy. make him run!"
i had to tell them they would have to wait on the game for that.
off topic for the forum, but on topic for the post
so i'll post it..
Hi cheffy
if you don't mind I did some basic uv mapping and applied textures with another program to get some practice with your sockboy and then finished using some of AndriyG81 great textures -
You should post this picture in his Materials Post as he has been wanting to see someone use them...
Will do
looking good! -
SU models need to be more touchy feely
Which prog did you use to do the UV mapping on Cheffey's little critters?
Nice work Cheffey, this looks like fun....
I think we all should create our imaginary friends....