Time to put this to rest...
Rick...who am I concerning political fairness: tonight on the News Hour, during the Mark and David show, I agreed with everything each of these guys said. Normally points split between them...I often agree more with David's way of looking at issues as things are today, but less often on what to do about them; with Mark more on historical context and on general conclusions (but often he goes a bit to far for my taste on what to do). Bottomline, it is an exchange that almost never angers me, and always gets me thinking straighter.
@rickw said:
...I'll take it you were not aware of Obama's ad ridiculing McCain for not "knowing how" to use email (despite the fact that McCain's war injuries to his hands prevent him from typing?...
But Rick, these are the kind of statements that get me hopping mad...portraying the mention of such a surprising fact as ridicule of McCain's war injuries is pathetic and disgusting. Yes, I am well aware of McCain's lack of computer savvy. I got it from McCain himself...and I find a bit it disturbing he is still out of touch on such a driving force in our world today.
"It's hard to tell exactly how much or how little John McCain knows about the Internet. In January he spoke to Politico.com about his computing habits: "I am an illiterate that has to rely on my wife for all of the assistance that I can get." In July he confessed to the New York Times that he has people surf the Web for him. "I don't e-mail," he added. "I've never felt the particular need to e-mail." -
@tomsdesk said:
@rickw said:
...I'll take it you were not aware of Obama's ad ridiculing McCain for not "knowing how" to use email (despite the fact that McCain's war injuries to his hands prevent him from typing?...
But Rick, these are the kind of statements that get me hopping mad...portraying the mention of such a surprising fact as ridicule of McCain's war injuries is pathetic and disgusting. Yes, I am well aware of McCain's lack of computer savvy. I got it from McCain himself...and I find a bit it disturbing he is still out of touch on such a driving force in our world today.
"It's hard to tell exactly how much or how little John McCain knows about the Internet. In January he spoke to Politico.com about his computing habits: "I am an illiterate that has to rely on my wife for all of the assistance that I can get." In July he confessed to the New York Times that he has people surf the Web for him. "I don't e-mail," he added. "I've never felt the particular need to e-mail."Can you imagine the comments from the MSM if he did attribute his lack of computer savvy to his disability? He'd be painted as a whiner.
Now why would the very liberal Slate label him as the most tech-savvy candidate in 2000? Could it possibly be that he understands the importance and the impact of technology - perhaps even significant aspects of its mechanisms - though he has no need to use it himself? It's like saying someone can't understand the importance of transportation because they don't have a driver's license: patently absurd. You might as well say that Bill Gates had no business running Microsoft because he didn't write code (after the early days) - equally absurd. So why does it cause you such consternation that McCain doesn't personally use a computer very much?
Now, since you say you're "hopping mad" over something I didn't say, let's get back to facts. I didn't say the Obama ad was ridiculing McCain's war injuries; I didn't even mean to imply it. I said the Obama ad ignored McCain's war injuries as a very likely cause for McCain's lack of computer-usage savvy. The two are vastly different.
I don't believe Obama would ever ridicule McCain's military service or the injuries he sustained as a result of that service. But I do believe he would gladly portray McCain as an out-of-touch old man regardless of the cause (war injuries) behind the effect (no computer-use savvy), and regardless of the real impact (none) on McCain's leadership potential. I mean, really - do you honestly expect a president to sit around in the Oval Office emailing people? When there's a phone on the desk? And I'll bet he doesn't even have to dial the numbers himself. [sorry - I must digress for a second to describe this absurdly hilarious mental picture of a US President sitting at his desk thumbing through a Rolodex trying to find the phone number for the Kremlin]
Back to the issue at hand - the Obama campaign's ad is just a smear: "pathetic and disgusting".
@solo said:
Bellwells wrote:
@unknownuser said:
I predict a tax revolt before I die.
How's your health?
Sorry I didn't respond earlier, Pete. Thankfully, my health is great so I'll live to see the revolution. Care to join me?
@bellwells said:
@tomsdesk said:
What's so funny?
He must have liked the mental picture of a US President thumbing through a Rolodex
Anyway, the gloves are off, and both candidates will do whatever they can get away with. Seems no one's a saint in politics.
Tom, how much of Powell's endorsement do you think is based on race? I mean really..forget what he says. I bet his endorsement is ALL raced based.
Ron forgive me if indeed i'm wrong here, but for a person that defended himself so adamantly of not being a racist after the scandalous image posting you are very quick to claim the race card now.
Boy, that was easy...just dismiss him as a liar and a racist, then: "I win!"
@solo said:
Ron forgive me if indeed i'm wrong here, but for a person that defended himself so adamantly of not being a racist after the scandalous image posting you are very quick to claim the race card now.
Huh? Not following the logic here, Pete. I'm saying it's very, very likely Powell is endorsing Obama because he is black. The reverse Bradley effect.
@tomsdesk said:
Boy, that was easy...just dismiss him as a liar and a racist, then: "I win!"
Sound familiar. does it?
Say, what's with all the sophomoric little symbols anyway? Just say what you mean.
Sound familiar:
"Bradley endured a number of racially-inspired campaign attacks, highlighting his ethnic-racial identity, similar to those used against Obama. That is, Bradley, similarly to other black political candidates, by virtue of his or her ethnic (racial) identification, was sometimes accused of being unpatriotic, disruptive or even an enemy of the state.
Sadly, equating a black political candidate with anti-Americanism, or terrorist violence, is a tried and tested campaign strategy. In Bradley's first mayoral campaign in 1969, his political opponent, the late Sam Yorty, successfully charged that he maintained political associations with militant blacks who had instigated urban riots, as well as with former communist sympathizers. As a result, Bradley was defeated."http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1222017567413&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull
I really hope the RNC plays the "reverse Bradley" card as fast as you did, Ron...the following news cycles will be a hoot to watch!
Forget the Bradley effect. I'll say it again: I was suggesting that Powell endorsed Obama because of his race. Now, why is that such a hard concept to grasp, huh? There are millions of black voters doing PRECISELY the same thing.
How is this any different that some white voter not voting for Obama because he is black? Aren't they both somewhat racist?
@bellwells said:
Forget the Bradley effect...
@bellwells said:
...There are millions of black voters doing PRECISELY the same thing...
God! I hope you're right!!! (Even though your saying it without facts is so wrong.)
Ron wrote:
@unknownuser said:
most blacks are voting for Obama because he's black
Nope, most blacks will vote for Obama because historically they vote democrat and Obama happens to be one, if he was running as a republican I doubt he would have the majority black vote.
Tom, do you really need facts to come to the conclusion that most blacks are voting for Obama because he's
? Edit