Miraculous Stress Relief
@tomsdesk said:
Yeah, just a bit of satire that struck my funnybone.
Well, this sure struck my funnybone:
And this struck mine.
Let me ask Pete and Tom what you guys did in 2000 and 2004 when Bush won after the polls had him behind. Did you guys threaten to leave the country like Alec Baldwin and Babs? I bet you were pissed.
BYW, the most clever poster I have ever seen was held up by some liberal nutcase marching in a protest somewhere. Anyway, it had a picture of Reagan above Bush. Under the picture of Reagan it said "RON" and under Bush it said "MORON". I can laugh at that and appreciate the humor. Can you laugh at images that make fun of Obama? If so, please post it, if possible.
Phil - I'm impressed by your comments and find them inspiring. Good to see another way out out of all the negatives that party politics bring us.
Regards, Ross
Thanks Ross.
I am on occasion partisan though. I do feel that the democratic party is more closely aligned with my own opinions, but I have never made more than $45,000 dollars a year in salary. Currently I'd be happy bringing home that much. I can't say which side of the purple fence I would be on if I were making $450,000. I would hope that I'd still subscribe to my principles but I can understand why people who earn more money want to keep more of it.
Having children myself and experiencing the un-imaginable JOY they bring to my life I can't imagine anyone EVER wanting to end a baby's life, But I have also seen first hand how bringing a child into this world where the mother and father have no regard for that child's life results in nothing but pain and suffering for everyone involved. I can't imagine a government bureaucrat telling a woman what she should do with her body. It's a moral conundrum.
I have my own reason for hating Guns. A high school friend died when a gun he was handling at another friends house went off. I formulated my opinion then that guns kill people. are guns necessary - yes. Should people have the right to own them? I'm on the fence about this one. Recently my wife and children stayed at their grandfathers house, He's an avid hunter and there are guns in every room of his house. I can't tell you how nervous I was letting them stay in a house that had guns in it. So again we all have our own reasons and rational for our political believes. I just wish the hate talk and negativity could be toned down and people could agree that we have all walked in different shoes and therefore it's understandable that we have different opinions.
our vote is akin to therapy it allows us to breathe out and express our satisfaction at doing our small part to make this world a better place when we leave it than it was when we entered it.
I wish life were simpler but it is not.
@bellwells said:
Can you laugh at images that make fun of Obama?
Yes I can...can you post one that's funny? And no, I was mostly sad...and a little bit scared after Bush's election: especially the last one. Pity I was right to be.
(BTW Pete, wonderful word play...and a rapier gut slash considering its 51-49 history :`)
@remus said:
personally the whole thing seems like a bit of a joke to me (the election that is.)
Care to elaborate on/justify that? Sounds pretty offensive coming from a non-citizen.
the whole thing has turned in to a slagging match between the 2 parties. Whats wrong with straightforward debate about issues of politics?
Every presidential election is a slagging match between the 2 parties, I'm not sure this one is any different. Perhaps it seems that way to us since we're both probably only recently engaged with politics.
So how do we make our election not such a joke? To answer your question about a real debate of the issues would require something that neither party is willing to do and that's come clean and not please everyone on everything (someone said that here somewhere). The debates aren't debates. <angry 3rd party rant>If 3rd party candidates with different and creative ideas were allowed to debate the debates would be just that. The way they are now they're allowed to become a slagging match and a joke. </angry 3rd party rant> The candidates are barely challenged and often need to look really hard to find ways to define differences between their views. In other words I would LOVE to see a 'straightforward debate about issues' by the candidates, ALL of the candidates. Any suggestions on how we do this?
Who was it that said 'Democracy is the worst type of government, except for all the others'?
If you were asking about debating politics here on this forum then I see nothing wrong with that either.
I'm afraid this will have to continue on monday, I've got cold beer and friends waiting for me and hopefully you do too.
I have to agree with everything you say.
As for how to turn the whole thing in to less of a circus, i wouldnt be sitting here spouting my opinion to all and sundry if i knew how to do that.
And no cold beer for me, just a warm bed and a slight headache. Theres always the lie in though.