Printing from CS3
I'm looking for some advice printing from PS CS3, I've already gone through about a $100.00 of ink and paper without decent results. Theres just so many options color settings, working profile, printer profiles, photoshop manages colors, printer manages colors, icm disabled, and so on. My monitor has been calibrated and I'm trying to print from a Canon Pixma Pro9000. Pretty decent printer so I would expect decent prints but when I take my renders to Kinkos to print the quality just blows away the prints I'm getting at home. Would appreciate any advice, tips, tricks, or any PS settings that work for other users when printing renders. Thanks
On screen, images are based of RGB color model (Red, Green & Blue).
Printers use CMYK color model (Cyan, Magenta, Yelow & Black).
At first, before printing, you need to do a conversion!
(Kinkos does automatically...)Cornel
...and to do that conversion, you just need to go image->mode->cmyk.
Having said that, ive always had pretty good results just leaving everything alone and letting PS/the printer do its thing.
ive just done a quick bit of reading about printing, and it seems to be a little more complicated than just switching to cmyk.
I reckon the best thing to do would be to talk to someone who knows what theyre doing. Alan Fraser would probably be a good person to ask, i believe he has a background in graphics work.
Remus it sure is a little complicated, I also did some web searching and reading but there was no clear answers, followed instructions on setting working profiles, setting printer profiles (which some say is necessary while others say its not if PS is handling color management), tried with ICM enabled and disabled, tried assigning profiles, tried relative colorimetric, absolute colrimetric, nothing is giving me a result even close to Kinkos. Cornel, I will try CMYK mode to see if my results are any better. Thanks guys, hopefully Allen will chime in.
Cornel, thanks again, printing from CMYK mode made a big improvement, a few tweaks and I should have the quality that I'm trying to achieve.