Modeling using .dwg file
Hmm, I'm not sure I am understanding exactly what your are asking, but I can give you an idea of what I do.
What are you trying to do? Build a model from a floor plan? 3D floor plan? Maybe send some screen shots.
The attached image is what I have done in ACAD. It is a 2D floor plan basically of a water campus. I would like to import this into SU and model it. How would I go about doing that?
If you just import it in to SU, then right click->explode you should be able to work directly with the linework you created in autocad.
If the exterior wall in my dwg (above image) is all one connected polyline, shouldnt it come in as a face in SU.. It comes in as individual lines, how do I make it a face?
EDIT: I think I got it, It seems that I have to trace atleast one line in order for SU to recognize the face. is this how it is done or Im I missing something???
Thats correct, you can draw over a part of the linework to create a face.
Alternatively, you could use the make faces script, pretty useful if youve got a large DWG.
Although I do not use ACAD, I use DXF to import my model into Su. The ACAD entity that imports as a surface is a 3DFace. You can ask other ACAD users if other entities import as surfaces. Hope this helps you.
There are a few things that I would do in the cad dwg first.
- Make sure that there are no lines tracing over each other.
- make sure all lines you want to make up faces are joined (snap to endpoint etc)
- Purge your model of all unnecessary geometry ('Purge' command) as well as lines that won’t be in the model.
- I flatten all the geo as well; SU copes better if it does the 3D stuff.
- Name your layers meaningfully and make sure the right geo is on that layer.
Then in SU import the .dwg and trace the lines like you have found out or follow Remus' advice.
@remus said:
Alternatively, you could use the make faces script, pretty useful if you’ve got a large DWG.
Hope this helps
If you don't explode your acad curves, you can select them in SU as one entity then increase the number of line segments, in the "entity info" toolbar, to smooth out the curve.
Thanks for all the replies. I am beginning to get the hang of SU now. I was able to do it by just tracing one of the lines and it makes all the connected lines a face, but I will try out that script next time.
Another question? When a .dwg is imported is it placed in the same coordinates that it was in ACAD in SU. im asking cause we draw using real world coordinates and would eventually like to show my models in the real world.
Thank you
If when you import the .dwg you tick the box 'preserve drawing origin' in the Options box, then you should keep the drawings origin as in ACAD.
Cool, I had that box checked I just wanted to make sure thats what it did.