For crying out loud!
Must be something in the tap water...
Unbelievable people can reason like that. -
Seems there's a whole lobby that has declared war on the Enlightenment. Obscurantism, primitivism - these concepts are on the rise. I mentioned months ago that I'm somewhat scared - that was no joke. Things are not going well.
And of course John Bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb Iran McCain will win the elections.
Pete, wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall at that meeting today? What a wonderfully funny group gathered behind closed doors!
I am hoping that the American people can get it right on the third attempt.
Last night all national channels were interupted for a message from the president, this time it was to make a case for the 700 billion dollar bailout. He stressed the imminent importance and why we my react swiftly and our future is on the line, yadda, yadda, yadda. ..... sound fimiliar?
I remember the same speach six or so years ago, with a few words replaced like 'weapons of mass destruction', 'imminent danger', 'attack on our country'.
I try not thinking about this being the last hurrah-hollered climax of an eight-year-long rape (and the biggest heehee-reminiscence of a very wicked old man's nap on the porch). I didn't watch him: it's not good for my health or karma to watch a liar lie.
Tom, I hear you. I too get such heartburn after seeing his smirking mugg on the telly, yet I cannot help looking.
I am amazed how a nation going through such times as a result of such mis-direction could even be considering people like Mccain and his media avoiding sidekick.Do we not learn?
I know the feeling. Whenever I see Georgie on tv, I zap. I cannot bear the sight of him. And I'm not even a US citizen!
What baffles me, though, is that there still are people in the US who, if it were possible, would re-elect that fraudulent, greedy, war mongering greasy stain of a man.
What baffles me too, is that Europe stood by when the US invaded Iraq on false pretences, and even helped out, here and there. IMHO, what the world needs, is a EU with balls - Yugoslavia, anyone? (We - the EU- let it happen.)
Oh, if I were the sole dictator of this ol' continent ... By Jove, that invasion would've brought back the Cold War, and this time around, it would've been an arctic one.
Id vote for ya
p.s. the rhino wasnt my doing.
Are we ready for another 'horny' president?
everynite i sit in a cold sweat with the thought of sarah palin as president...
it is a scarey state of affairs here. How are people duped into thinking this is a 'christian' nation when it was clearly established to be just the opposite? Growing up in the US, but not looking typically american, gives you a unique insight into the bigotry and xenophobia that is rampant in this country.
I get a feeling this is a case of preaching to the choir, the people who are going to be voting for Mccain are not the ones who are broadening their minds surfing the internet.
Many people still harp on that the Constitution is a God-inspired document. Yet GOD IS NEVER MENTIONED IN THE CONSTITUTION.
The "In GOD we trust" logo was added to our money in 1957, yet it's argued that it's constitutional and cannot be removed.
These are the same people that say they believe in a seperation between church and state yet will base their vote on who their religious denomination endorses.
lol. Love the rhino. I'd be an emperor, though, not a president.
@solo said:
Many people still harp on that the Constitution is a God-inspired document. Yet GOD IS NEVER MENTIONED IN THE CONSTITUTION.
These are the same people that say they believe in a seperation between church and state yet will base their vote on who their religious denomination endorses.
Seems to me you cannot believe the US constitution was handed down by the Man and claim you believe in the separation of church and state. The first cancels the latter out.
Anyway, gents, who do you think'll win? I'm hoping McBomb won't, but I'm not very optimistic. Yah, Tom, I know. Biting it right now.
Just talked to my buddy in CT (sent him the video) and he said he went to services a few times at her (father's) church of a similar denomination, 40-some years ago when first dating his wife: he thought it was great!...just like going to the circus! :`)
Unfortunately, there are too many racists in this country that couldn't stomach even a half African American president, even in the face of our country being driven to the brink of another depression by a republican administration. I'm not crazy about Hillary, but I think she would have had a better shot at beating Gram-pa. At least W lived up to his excpetations...everything the guy has touched in his life has gone bankrupt, including our country. I am not sure I agree with all of Obamas politics, but he has got to be better than a carbon copy of the last idiot, with a side dish of moron fundamentalist Christian, gun toting, hockey mom politics.
@solo said:
Many people still harp on that the Constitution is a God-inspired document. Yet GOD IS NEVER MENTIONED IN THE CONSTITUTION.
The "In GOD we trust" logo was added to our money in 1957, yet it's argued that it's constitutional and cannot be removed.
These are the same people that say they believe in a seperation between church and state yet will base their vote on who their religious denomination endorses.
"If any nation is to succeed, they must build a wall between church and state" Thomas Jefferson
Welcome Fella.
I agree racism is alive and well here, it's a very taboo subject and most folk would rather be labled a thief or sex offender than a racist. What they say in public polls is not what they vote, so whatever Obama has as a lead in the polls one can take away at least 10% for the closet racists that will never vote for a black man as president.
These are the same close minded people that point a finger at me, a white South African born male and assume me to be a racist.
Yah, welcome Fella. Good to see you here.
Yup, closet racism, that is what's going to keep Obama from the Oval Office, imo. I'm willing to bet there's not going to be a black man in there til Will Smith is in his fifties or sixties and decides to run.
Shame, really. Four more years of rampant imperialism - I'm not exaclty overjoyed. Neither is the rest of the world, I think.
Edit: before I forget, I read that Mrs. Palin tried to get certain books banned from the local library when she was mayor. That true? If it is, danm it, that woman sure ain't cut out for major league politics. The thirties are long gone, Sarah!
Dont dismay friends, Obama is going to win clearly .
I am thinking that as we approach the event coming and gets the final day, it will be a huge amount of people that will finally decide the change. Same people that are now silently watching all the mess that is now running all around their country.
Be confident.