Problem Rendering
Hi Solo, The material is applied to a large face with many edges. When selected (right mouse button), it grays (with dots), but the menu doesn't provide the option to explode (explode is grayed out).
If you can post the .skp or email it to me, I will take a look later.
OK, Here it is. The original schematic design was imported as faces and I am learning to use sketchup to model and refine it. The floor (face) was drawn in with sketchup. The floor materials are jpeg files ported into su with the material editor as textures, but even a su floor material would not render. When the floor is imported as an image it renders, but I can not (or do not know how to) save the image as a material to paint with. Thanks
Oops!, Send you original file, not the working file. When I do something new, I do not update the original until it works. The working file is over 3mb, and exceeds your server limit. Did the textures add 1.5mb to the file? I tried to erase parts of the model but the file still exceeds the 2 mb limit. I will upload the texture separately.
Try pete (at)
Tried to make the file smaller but it would not stink under the 2 mb limit. Here is the floor material. Apply it to the floor inside the model, then re-size the image to about 18'(top box). Hope you get this in time.
Just noticed that my material is 1.7mb! Wow, what am I doing wrong? The jpeg is only 111 kb. I imported it as a texture and applied it to the floor, then copied it from the model into a file, went to that file and reapplied it to the floor. Couldn't be the problem since I have another good render, or is it? Hope you get this in a timely manner. Thanks.
OK,to the above.
Okay, you actually do not have a SU floor, just a hidden layer. Explode your model, select it by pulling a square around it, copy then open a new instance of SU and paste it.
You will notice that you have no floor in the pasted version as this did not copy the hidden CAD layer, so now create a floor and add your texture and it will work.
Hi Solo, OK thanks, its the end of the day here and I will try it tomorrow. Any idea why my texture is so big (see previous comments)?
Hi Solo, Couldn't get it to work, so here I am at home working on the problem. Was the file without the floor the original file (Pla 59 c...), or the one I emailed pete (at) (Pla 59 d....)? The original file may not have a floor, but the second one did.
Opened new SU file, inserted rectangle (face), imported test.jpg as image on rectangle, selected image, right clicked mouse and selected "use as material" whereby the material appear in the material's model folder, saved this material as test.skm to "MyFolder". I then opened new test1.skp, created rectangle, selected su material test.skm from "MyFolder", painted the rectangle, and rendered test1.jpg. I then push/pulled on the rectangle, rendered test2.jpg, and saved the revised model as test2.skp.
As you can see, the model would not render properly (test1.jpg), until I push/pulled the painted rectangle (test2.jpg). I used a SU material and duplicated the results, so it may be that the pov-ray can not properly render a face that has not been pulled along the blue (z) axis. The painted rectangle blacks out when it is closer then the limits of a "zoom all".
I tested this by push/pull'ing a new rectangle (face), painted then rendered it with success. Perhaps my previously successful render (above at start of this post) was the result of something I did something to my model.
Even removed and reinstalled SU "just in case". I have attached all the files as discussed above for your review.
This is the material created from test.jpeg
And the SU file of the render
And the SU file of the successful render.As you can see, I was able to build a reasonably sized material (test.skm). Any additional advice is appreciated.
Another clue. If I paint the opp. side of the face before rendering the top, the render takes on the color of the opp. face. If I paint the opp. side with the texture, the top will render correctly.
Solo, Thanks for your input and help. How did I get my model below ground? Well got to be more careful. Maybe a function of the Drw2Dxf2Faces2Skp conversions to bring the model into Su.
Now I can move on to other embellishments.