Layers and grouping question?
hi. im just learning how to use styles, groups and components, and ive come across a problem. i have two groups, on two different layers, im trying to create a third layer/third group, but i since the groups are er grouped, when i try to edit the third layer, theirs no more green inference vertexes? they disappear? leaving only pink vertexes. these pink vertexes cant be precisely connected, so i end up with a lot of un sealed shapes. shapes i cant seal. to make matters worse, i cant figure out how to edit two layers that are grouped because once i try to add more shapes to the newly added third layer, i end up, editing all three layers
I think there is some big confusion here. Groups and Components has nothing to do with Layers.
The "pink" inference points indicate that the geometry you are trying to snap to is inside a component or a group. To add something to them, you have to enter the editing context of them (double click or right click > edit). "inside", you will have the familiar looking/colour inference points.
Layers in SU only control visibility and will never separate geometry (groups and components are for that purpose). So if you have different geometry on different layers, they will always conflict with each other.
This is why the general advice tells you to always model and keep your "primitive" (i.e. ungrouped) geometry on Layer0 and only assign geometry onto other layers after making groups/components of it.
Please,do follow the links I provided above about these relevant subjects.
i think i i get it it now. i dont want to just make layers/groups/components just for the sake of making layers and groups/components i want to make them for a needed use, like for example, making a component to create multiple edited copies, or a group to er group. i think that was a my problem, i was trying to make all these complicated layers with groups and components and it was making editing very difficult because each group/component was connected to a different layer. and when i wanted to edit one layer on one component, i had to edit any layer that was connected when i selected 'edit component' till i realized that i don't need need to do that because as you said groups/components have nothing to do with layers