Paint bucket trouble
hi to all SU freaks
here is a bunny question, me being too stupid to use the paint bucket.-
i have no colors in it no materials no metal surfaces like stainless steel ore bricks
how do i get them ore charge ore install them. -
i found out how i can arrange own colors mixes but i fail to apply them to surfaces.
what can i do wrong on applying them. (i know to much can be wrong to tell here LOL)
i select the bucket and then want to point with it on the surface i want to color.
but it acts like nothing happened. like it is not reacting to my klicks
thanks a lot to all improofing with there answers my SU skills.
the last info was just great.
I'm assuming youve seelcted the colour/material you want to ue before you try and paint...
You might be in monochorome mode, if you go view->face style->shaded with texturesyou might get the colours back.
remus thanks a lot for your target pointing help.
i did like oyu sugested and i was "of cource in monocrom"
changing solved my problem imidiatly.
interesting to know as soon i changed to the right mode "shaded with textures" it worked
REMUS thanks a lot for your help
i hope honestly to be be soon a help to the comunity as the SU comunity is to me
No worries, ive done the same thing a few times myself.