Need some help creating a rounded cube
Hi everyone.
I need to create a cube that has rounded edges. I've tried and i've tried, but i can't seem to get it right. I know that i should use the follow me tool, but i still can't get it right.
And help please?
Awesome, thanks, but i need to know how to do that. Round edge ruby?
Solo, here's an image of the rounded edges I get from using the plugin. Note the difference in the corners where the 3 edges come together. I would prefer the type of corner seen in your image as it appears smoother. Have I missed some option of the plugin?
Solo might have been usign the bevel edges ruby, which can be found here:
You could also do it the old fashioned way, as shown here:
Actually I used a 'bevelled cube' from my shape component library, I thought It was the same as the 'curved edge' ruby result.
Thanks for pointing that out Jim. -
Just another way, have a look on the last Base Camp'video "Tricks and Tips" ,as far as I remember
one of ours friends ( Jean Lemire or Gaius. ?) showed how to make a rounded cube on a very similar way as Solo..MALAISE
I was only going to but due to the lack of time I couldn't. I believe Jean made one - he was the last of the four of us to present here.