Office building
I used Maxwell.
I like it Stinkerd!
I wouldn't make the remark, but since you seem to aim for purism, the composition might be improved some more. (I am picking on a detail here ).
With all the orthogonality going on, I even would expect a full frontal (no, not nude) view with only horizontals and verticals.
Not a detail, KB. Fairly important in this case. So thanks for the comment. I was in fact planning on choosing another composition, but not a "full frontal" one. More along these lines (quick V-Ray render; did some additional work on model too):
Oh yeah: I printed the first image I posted in this thread on photographic paper (cropped somewhat differently, though). Looks fantastic (errr ... in my opinion). Can't wait to have it printed at full-scale.
I call this one "Lick My Grain". That, or "Kompozition nr. 12". No, wait! The title is "I've Always Hated Franz Kline For Having Already Done Something I Wanted To Do". Hell ... I'll just go with "No Title". Or, possibly, with "My Meatloaf Is Good Meatloaf". Choices, choices.
This is not the final image. Cooking other version.
hi tom,
there is a miesian touch to these images that i like very much.
Phaidon's "Mies van der Rohe at work" never leaves my sight. There's a couple of pictures of scale models in there that take my breath away.
I say: steal from the best.
Desolate, but not dead...
Dry, but with a twist.(I'm starting to formulate my comments in the style of your images
Think Spilliaert. Think Spilliaert's Ostend - after the devastating building boom of the sixties and seventies. That feel.
Hm. Cryptic. More coffee.
Thats a pretty cool looking clay model effect.
Now you are using Vray?
Thanks. That's just the default mat. Who needs textures?
You ever used Maxwell for interiors?
I want to to make a series out of this, and I'd like to finish it before the end of the decade.
Fun app, Vray. And all things considered, not that hard to use. Still prefer Maxwell for some things, though. (And Indigo - but it just uses too much RAM.)
hey..that's very nice.. very detailed..
Just a wip, so far. Modeling away as we speak.
- i figured
I like your sense of detail Stinkie.
Pure and straightforward.
Does a rendering says something about ones personality? -
Amazing how fast Vray is. SU needs to be 64 bit, so Vray can be too!
@kwistenbiebel said:
Does a rendering says something about ones personality?
Hm ... Let's hope not. I'd be an even bigger square than I thought.