Wireless Mouse fight?
For my new laptop I bought a little wireless USB Logitech mouse. Takes up little room- works on any surface, has a battery saver switch and was low priced. (I am a Logitech fan). Model is V220
My case: I would to get another mouse just like it to use on my desktop, with very limited space. I tried the little mouse on the PC and really like it.Possible problem? Often I use the laptop right next to the desktop. Am I likely to have interference between the two mouses of same model, etc? Or are they sophisticated enought to avoid each other's signals?
Press 1 for "No problem- you can do this"
Press 2 for "No way- fugetabotit"
Press 3 for "In yer dreams" -
@unknownuser said:
no problem you can do this
Photographic proof attached. Two logitech mice playing well together about three feet apart.
Hey--- thanks for quick reply! Maybe each unit has some unique code?
Nice to know, these little baby mice are cheap and work fine for me.BTW- you prompt me to show you one of my young friends. He works in a U-haul agency...
Im a Logitech fan as well and run an almost identical setup to Jim. I use a VX revolution for the lappy and a MX revolution for the desktop. They both run of their own USB dongles without any conflict.
The MX is fantastic.....cordless and with its own battery recharger!