How long would it take?
Hi there,
I am a geologist so working in 3D is needed, and we need to conceive 3D models. I have recently been using Freehand to craft my designs but was wondering how long it would take to design something the same in Sketchup. I am pretty much brand new to the software, playing with it last night for a couyple of hours but gave up after making limited progress. I realise that it will probably take a few weeks to learn well, years to become an expert, but like I say, I just want to use it to convey what is going on.
I have attached 2 images. One I made in Freehand, and one I have made in Sketchup. I was hoping to use Sketchup to create what I madei n Freehand, but lacked the skills! So my question is how long would it take to get to the Freehand image in Sketchup?
p.s ignore the black background, Irfanview added it for some reason when resizing!
Hi Megaio and welcome!
I guess within a couple of weeks you could do in SU what I can see here in Freehand and within a couple of months you could produce way better models. You only need the proper tools (there are lots of very useful plugins) but first of all go through the basics because without knowing the program and what can be achieved by using native SU you won't get anywhere.
Meg. . .by all means stick with SU and give it a chance. Gaieus is right. All kinds of plugins and this great forum will give you the skills you need to do your stuff and more. good luck.
Nice one guys, thanks for the input. My problem is that I just don't have the time to learn it at the moment. I'm sure they could look really very good in SU, and it's my artistic skills that let me down in Freehand. However, for the moment I will stick with Freehand but I definitely want to learn SU. It would certainly come in handy in the future (when I have more time on my hands). Thanks Again!