Is their an individual in you? doubt it.
Can you see the irony? By making this thread, Goon Of Doom is creating the same 'non sense' he is accusing other users of.
LEWIS WADSWORTH What I am having trouble understanding is Exactly what would it accomplish to have anyone banned for any reason? I feel that as you say you should stay away. To Quote Pulp fiction for the BATMAN movie buff "You be gone and you stay gone. And the name you are calling me jimy is not accurate. But if you wish you can compare me to him. I know his posts and they always made me laugh anyway. Read JUJU post I think you may enlighten yourself? My guess is no
As for these warning posts you mention about this fellow could you share them with us. Also doubt-full. In general I doubt you. Sound familiar? I can see clearly the inner workings of your feeble carmudgeon mind share with us the inner workings of the beast you seem to know.
REMUS your post was exactly what you say is OK to do. JUNK it up sir.
JUJU on the other hand seems to have the flow-joe..
STU Yes I was raised well mannered and will continue to live by them. See JUJU above.
BOOFREDLAY "Amen" That is all you can come up with is to second another? And you chose STINKIE? Dude.
Your responce is my point! Thank you for making it for me.KWISTENBIEBEL Hewer iws some Iwrony for you be bewlow. And Rubbish is spelled Wabbish. Tank wyou Kwisten Bie bees
STINKIE Thank you for stating the obvious super genious. Your reply and your screen name are seeming to meld. Back to normal.
DAZZY Just what are you trying to say with your cute little smiles? See Above.
MIKE LUCEY Bring it. Sounds like fun.
JACKSON Exactly what would it take to get you to ban someone? There is an individual thought I would be interested in. And what post or part of post do you agree with me? See below
WATKINS What "gentle hints" are you referring too my little flower? Lets pull the punches if you are looking for subtlety try a 2X4. Also Mr WATKINS perhaps you should do as JACKSON and stay away if something does not interest you. Just like LEWIS WADSORTH Aint no-one gonna miss ya. Back to normal eh.
CHANGE 70 For those of us who do not speak wannabeprofound Let me translate for you how I understand your post Geeeeeerrrrt. zert nabbit zip fffffft. Now you might be making a valid observation of the knowledge only you understand. Might is the operative word. See above.
DAVID H Boy oh boy there sure are allot of word in that one. Less is more.
CHRIS FULMER Have one for Mr.Lucey
To sum it all up to this point Very few minds are original ummungst us. In a industry where originality is truly written into the mission statements first paragraph of what most of you call your-selfs my feeling is that as a whole you are tired un inspired and probably lost track of what has once inspired you? Most of what I have read here is as insulterory (sp) as you say I am. Is that ironic enough for you KWISTEN BEEBOOS
In my bible, GoD needs less words to express himself.
I hope you find a better place to hang out than this one.
Cheers mate.
@kwistenbiebel said:
In my bible, GoD needs less words to express himself.
I hope you find yourself a better place to hang out than this one.
Cheers mate.
What bible is that sister come lately? The one I have is 3" thick? Besides the words I wrote are yours collectively and, comparitvly few. Yet you read every one
Hows it hangin? "mate?" Aint you from the South? And thanks for theface o-original-one.
GoD -
@kwistenbiebel said:
Are you the same guy that got banned from Pushpullbar several times about a year ago?
Push pull bar? Banned? Not yet, You once again got the wrong guy. Why does so many think they know me by another? To quote your last wrong guy. "Kwristen you are a bore"
GoD -
From Wikipedia:
Trolling *is a value judgment referring to behavior that the user of the word considers to be deliberately provocative. So, a troll is a deliberately provocative, attention-seeking, person who seeks to cause disharmony in the community. Many forum members do not encourage or welcome trolls; their reactions ranging from trying to ignore them, to banning them.
Traditional wisdom on internet trolling suggests that the most important thing about trolls is not to feed them. Don't allow them to cause stress. Ignore or revert their edits, but do not communicate with them unless they grow up and change their behavior. The troll is the archetype of an attention-seeker, and attention encourages them to continue trolling.
Trolling is a phenomenon that may afflict any community.*
WOW Kwisten that was your 1400th post! By now you must be up to 1750. Perhaps you should read and understand the proof that you hold up so dear. Trump that.
@kwistenbiebel said:
Ignore or revert their edits, but do not communicate with them unless they grow up and change their behavior.
[/i]Well if it is in wikipedia it must be true. your Diagnosis of my motives is not entirely accurate. My definition of the word troll is 1. (mostly to the point) A method of fishing. 2. Simmilar to a hobbit or elf?, 3. A small child's toy with red spiky hair.
Did you learn something today Kwisten? Should I be banned or ignored. you decide?
GoD AKA the troll any name will do.
Are you the same person that got banned from Pushpullbar several times about a year ago?
Is this thread just going to descend further in to the mists of a slagging match?
Lock the thread, please.
@goon of doom said:
DAZZY Just what are you trying to say with your cute little smiles? See Above.
GoDOh tisk tisk, I thought you could figure it out.
Come on mate, stop abusing the privilege.... -
reaches for the popcorn and coke
No 3d glasses juju? you wont be able to enjoy the full cinematic experience without them...
Talk about not being original, this guy's is just another Kyanka "goon" wannabe with bad grammar and even worse spelling!!! What kind of dolt proves his own point about himself? Ha ha ha! Just another one of those goons of doom...not very original..actually far too ordinary nowadays and pretty childish.
So go do "something awful" on Second Life where you can rile up 14 year olds with matching maturity, and try not to just amount to being SPAM...
- CraigD
Look at all the edrama
@remus said:
Is this thread just going to descend further in to the mists of a slagging match?
That's what Jimmy does, until everyone else gives up reasoning or posting and he inevitably gets the last word, which is usually a twist on someone's user name or just a pop at their views, avatar, etc.
@goon of doom said:
MIKE LUCEY Bring it. Sounds like fun.
GoDOkay GoD, this is what I propose. I must admit that you have a knack
for getting up peoples noses BUT have you got the ability to debate a
subject on a level playing field?I proposed a DEBATE between a regular forum member and your good self!
Proposed rules.
- GoD picks 10 subjects (They have to be GENERAL)
- The Nominated SUC Member (to be decided) picks the Subject
- GoD picks a Jury of 3 SUC Forum Members (Any that are willing to Judge / Vote)
- We decide on a 'chance' method to determine who starts ie Closest Lotto Numbers!
- A total of 4 posts allowed from each opponent (No more that 500 words per post)
The PRIZE! If GoD wins, he is free to can carry on being a pain here
If he looses he must promise to behave himself and stop getting up peoples
nosesHow about it GoD?
I would like to nominate Lewiswadsworth
Time to sort the master debaters from the masturbatersWhat I would like to see more is some of J1mmy's works with SU, or is causing a scene the only thing he can create?