Rain Chains (updated)
You are En Fuego my friend.
Thanks, Daniel!
Wyatt -
thanks daniel, are very good chains, I hope I can use in any work at some point
Thanks, guys.
Keep checking - there are a few more designs I want to model. -
FYI I reloaded Copper Bells - I deleted miscellaneous junk to make the file size smaller.
thank verymuch Daniel the great
Thank you, it is good!
Daniel, I am curious, do you or have you used rain chains on a project before? Or are they something you wanted to model for kicks and giggles?
I WANT to model them, just for the hell of it, and I WANT to use them on a project, but so far haven't had the opportunity. I almost managed it on a recent project, but.....
Great stuff, Daniel. Many thanks
Kinda makes me want some, the rain probably causes some kind of sound running down that rain chain. Thanks again, and again, and again...
Your welcome, Julian. According to the website that sells these, that last one makes a tinkling sound in the rain.
Not if you fix it to the ground. Here they generally leave the water into big rockbeds.
We used a rain chain on a building close to the harbour (in East Scotland), the wind blew the rain everywhere off the chains!
It looks good though (especially when you're up-wind from the chains...)