Is their an individual in you? doubt it.
Dear All,
I think the Goon has presented us with an excellent opportunity to express how we feel about the Forum without anyone taking offence, even if his tone is less than polite.
Jackson of Scotland, and now of Sweden, expressed his concern that topics were being manufactured for the sake of idle chatter, and I must say that I have to agree with him. (Jackson, my apologies for involving you in this discussion, but your comments were quite succinct). I almost never go to the corner bar because it has become a bit like a chat room, but that is my choice. I am more concerned that other areas of the forum are going the same way and that there is less and less content. I now have to sieve through the posting to find the odd nugget of useful information, but that might be because we are in (what the British call) the silly season, when everyone is out and about enjoying the summer and serious stuff is on hold. Obviously, the Goon has concerns about the Corner Bar, but do others have concerns about the rest of the Forum?
I will write more when I have time. Must go to work.
Kind regards,
Bob -
Personally i think theres a good mix of banter and serious topics e.g. the one geology thread, wild swimming etc.
Im sure it tends to shift a bit form time to time, but overall i think theres a pretty healthy balance. Perhaps i just cant remember the good ol days, but thats how it seems to me.
To the OP, could i ask whats wrong with a few junk topics every now and then?
@goon of doom said:
Look at he topics on the bar. A flat world, An Iron. BAT MAN????? Give me a break with the countdown to the Dark Knight.
About 95% of what you posted so far consists of whining and complaining. Want more interesting threads? Put your money where your mouth is and start one, instead of confinining yourself to venting your frustration.
On the topic of the individual has anyone read 'The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind' (1976)by Julian Jaynes? Very interesting theory about the emergence of human subjectivity and concept of self. There you go. Serious enough for you?
Gee,you know, I have to agree -
@unknownuser said:
About 95% of what you posted so far consists of whining and complaining. Want more interesting threads? Put your money where your mouth is and start one, instead of confinining yourself to venting your frustration.
Dear Stu,
It is a shame that gentle hints do not seem to work. I see that another such thread has been started.
Bob -
Goon seems a bit overly familiar for someone who has only posted 15 times before. I think we know him under a different alias. Quick: can anyone here think of a previous forum member with an ego big enough that he would choose a nickname that abbreviates as "GOD"?
I used to be very timid about posting on this site. Not because I am a novice SU user--or that I didn't have anything useful to say -- it was just that the community got so Large that I felt that my posts would be ignored and I wouldn't get the answers I wanted so I stuck to the Podium forum. Once I started talking to folks and seeing other guys from the Podium forum, I got more brave and now I feel very much at home here. This is the best forum on the net because it is FUN!!!! Do see my point, besides the one on the top of my head?
as far as Goon's rant is concerned. .. isn't okay if we talk about Batman or something while at the same time seeking answers to our questions about Ruby files or modeling tips. .. isnt' that what we do at the office or anywhere else? That's why it's called the corner bar. . .and it;s only bar I have ever really been in. Have you ever been to any of those "Corporate Forums" like for some big software or computer company or something like that? They are so strictly monitored, unfriendly and dry and yet competely useless as far as help goes--in my oppinion anyway.
Lighten up for cryin' out loud
(<<<<crying out loud).. . .it's just a cyber-forum--I come here for help and to have a little fun. And as long as we are courteous and helpful to one another, who cares ? Is there a lot of junk on here. Yes. .. (including this post porbably) Is it sometimes hard to wade thru muck to find an answer? yes. That 's what the advanced search is for. . .but. . . If someone can post a thought that has a little wit attached to it, I appreciate that. That's what I try to do.
besides. .. you guys are my only friends. . ..
@jackson said:
Re: Goon's "secret" identity a quick search of the old SU forums for the key phrase "good ole boy" came up trumps, landing right on suspect #1.... answers on a postcard please. Let's just say this is probably the first time I agreed with one of his posts.
I thought you banned that guy even before I quit as a moderator...I'm leaving if he's posting.
@lewiswadsworth said:
I thought you banned that guy even before I quit as a moderator
I have never banned anyone.
@watkins said:
It is a shame that gentle hints do not seem to work.
Indeed, it feels like SCF is a one-man-show these days with a few members of the audience occasionally chirping in.
Re: Goon's "secret" identity a quick search of the old SU forums for the key phrase "good ole boy" came up trumps, landing right on suspect #1.... answers on a postcard please. Let's just say this is probably the first time I agreed (at least partly) with one of his posts.
Wow , this thread is just rubbish.
It's summer time. Go out and play.
I'm sorry, I meant the moderators in general...I remember seeing the warning posts.
I've been a part of some "more serious" forums, and they are dull dull dull, not to mention almost dead traffic wise. While I agree that there are threads I don't take any interest in whatsoever, I use my ability to not open a thread I don't want to read (yes, I just ignore them) and carry on reading the ones that take my fancy.
The SCF is vibrant (as far as it could be for a forum dedicated to SU skills and all SU related), with that comes a high degree of variety and one must accept it for what it is.
@kwistenbiebel said:
Can you see the irony? By making this thread, Goon Of Doom is creating the same 'non sense' as he is accusing other users from.
Oh the irony...
Its rather pointless talking about the good old days.....but for those who werent there, let me say that the old bar was rarely boring, it was challenging, edgy, regularly informative and a lot of fun. And virtually free of the mind numbing drivel that constantly comes up here today.
And can I say that GoD's post shows remarkable and uncharacteristic restraint and good manners....[for GoD, that is] -
.... I think we need a GOOD BLOODY ARGUMENT about politics
or Regilion or Sex -
@goon of doom said:
Now it is just a bunch of
good ole boy BFF's LOL, MFers dropping their soap in a most PC manner. IMHO.
GoD -
@stu said: was challenging, edgy, regularly informative...[for GoD, that is]
Don't forge troll-ridden. Jimmy (let's not fool ourselves about who "GOD" is) is a troll, who gets his jollies playing cruel mind games on newbies. Why not invite Cornel back as well, so we can get our fill of homophobic non-sequiturs, too?