Monitor size recommendations
I recommend getting the largest monitor you can afford, but balance the cost and size with the best resolution and brightness combination you can find.
About three months ago I bought two Soyo Topaz S monitors at a great price from Office Max. The screen resolution is 1920x1200, brightness of 500 and contrast 1000:1 When I looked at the store display, the Soyo stood out way way brighter and sharper than the others, almost blinding compared to my lap top screen. The performance reported on line is mixed. Some prople have had trouble with them but so far they have both done well for me. They don't have built in speakers or a TV tuner and the desk mount stand is not very good - but they do what I wanted them for.
Attached is a photo of the monitor with an 11"x17"(approximately and "A-3") print on the screen just for comparison.
Good luck.
Biger the better! Amen to that.
I have access to a 24" Dell so I will plug it in and see what it is like.
I am a bit confused by what Remus said reguarding a 22" wide screen vs a regular 22" screen. I'm not sure that I have come across a non wide screen model yet.
Could someone point me towards a model?
BTW thanks for the picture Jim. It lends a sense of perspective to how a 11X17 drawing would show up on a 24" monitor.
Can anyone else offer a picture of a 11X17 drawing on a 22"
monitor wide screen or regular?Chango your comment about seeing on the screen what will be printed is the reason I'm poking at this 22" screen thing.
The 24" does a great job of handling the 11X17 size, it just seems to be a bit more than my needs require at this time.
I'll go and try it out first though.
The difference is in the aspect ratio. Notice it has an aspect ratio of 16:10
And form my brief scouring of the internet i cant find a standard aspect 22" screen, but if i could it would have an aspect ratio of 4:3.
Probably best to just go for the 24" cant go wrong with that
@remus said:
The difference is in the aspect ratio... Notice it has an aspect ratio of 16:10...
I thought widescreens are 16:9 not 16:10. Am I wrong?
It varies i think, most TVs are 16:9 but i think 16:10 is fairly common in monitors.
@remus said:
It varies i think, most TVs are 16:9 but i think 16:10 is fairly common in monitors.
Television pixels are not square, thus computer screen of 1920 x 1200 is 16:10, but an HD TV screen is typically 1920 x 1080 or 1368 x 780 or 16:9.
EDIT - for some reason the link doesn't copy correctly - the last parenthesis screws up. Try a google search for TV aspect ratio and pick the wikipedia link.
I recently got a 24" monitor with the usual resolution of 1900x1200
Im almost finding it too big! ....a lot of territory for the mouse to cover and even with that size screen some text/toobars etc are a little small for comfortable viewing.
I actually prefer my 17" laptop with a rez of around 1400x for internet stuff.
Im a little sorry I didnt get a 22" with a rez around bigger is not necessarily better.....unless your going for something like a 27" with a 1900x rez. -
Thanks for that perspective Stu. I have had a similar feeling on a 24" but I had not articulated it yet. Figured that I would get over it with more time on the a larger monitor good to know I'm not alone.
Get the biggest you can and then get another one!
I use a 24" iMac with a 20" hp2025 beside it and I still run out of room. Dual 30" is my aim sometime.