A Fun Little Game, Part the Third
but it came out all crappy after 4 days of rendering.I wish my plum jam would finish boiling.
Granted, but you forgot to add the plums.
I wish i wasnt hooked on milk.
Granted, but now your hooked on crack
I wish Grand Theft Auto 4 was a virtual reality game.
Granted, but you really suck at it and when u died in the game, you died in real life. (do you actually die in that game? I've never played).
I wish someone would do my work for me tonight.
Granted, Ill do it but ill do it all wrong
I wish Chris knew more about one of the most popular games in the world (and yes you do die its a really awesome game its rated M for mature and for 17 and older but i still play it)
Granted, but he doesnt know about anything else.
I wish i didnt have to work this morning.
Granted, but while you were absent, your employer, in a sudden and fleeting fit of generosity, gave all emplyees present at that time the English equivalent of $1,000.00. Oh, and they installed windows 3.1 on your computer, too.
I wish my parental units would return from vacation, so I would be rid of these two dogs of theirs.
Granted, but thye bought you back 2 dogs as a gift.
I wish windows 3.1 was gone from my computer.
Granted, but now you have Windows 2.03
I wish I had a cookie right now...
Granted, but its made from oatmeal and has pumpkin seeds and stuff in it.
I wish i had a wish that wasnt tainted in any way.
Granted, but the catch with every other wish you make will be 10 times worse
I wish it wasn't raining right now.
Granted, but while it is nice and sunny outside, urgent business calls you inside, where you learn all the computers at work have been downgraded to just DOS.
I wish my neighbors would stop cutting down their trees "because they might fall on my house" - CENSORED morons!
Granted, but theyre blowing them out of existence with a rocket launcher now.
I wish rendres didnt take twice as long as im willing to ait for them.
Granted, but by some fluke that occurs on your computer only, file size is inversely proportionate to render time.
I wish I didn't have insomnia.
Granted... look out behind you!
I wish the Myst 10th Anniversary Edition worked on my new machine.
Granted but your Myst disk (video game right) broke in 2
I wish my car render didn't take 30 hours to finish
Granted, but you now realise it was actually a test render of a cube that you left going.
I wish i had a shiny new bike.
Granted, but this is the bike. Aint it purty?
I wish I could afford Maxwell AND a trip to Hawaii.
Granted, but you had to downgrade to DOS (3.1 is a bit advanced, i reckon.)
I wish i didnt get tired.
Granted. Like the Energizer bunny, you keep going and going and going......but, no one really likes the Energizer bunny; that incessant drumming is annoying. Ya get my meaning, Remus?
It's 4:41...I wish it were 5:30, so I could leave work.