Tutorial on Photoshop
In the 2008 Base camp presentation Tyson Kartshner touched on using fog images from SU in PS as part of the Dennis Technique. He said he had covered it in a tutorial. Anyone know where that is?
Thanks. I was not too clear. I did watch that video, but in it Tyson did not really demonstrate the use of the fog image. He said he had covered it in a tutorial online. I haven't found that one.
Second try:
Throwing things out of focus
Follow the SketchUpdate blog for SketchUp news, modeling tips and tricks, user stories and more.
If the previously-provided link doesn't work for you (it didn't for me,) try this one:
SketchUp and Photoshop - Lens Blur
...at the official YouTube home of...
Google SketchUp Video Tutorials
(Is that the tutorial you needed/intended?)