What am I doing wrong?
I'm trying to put a round over on this table top but I cant get the Start/Finish corner to meet up right.End table.skp
is verry simple with follow me select the contour and then just click with follow me tool on face thet u want to grid and that is all
Another thing you want to do is to make the parts of the tables into components as soon as you can as you go along. Most of the time when I'm designing furniture I create a component from the very first geometric construction I make for a part. For example, to make a leg for a table I might start with a rectangle on the "floor". I will make that rectangle a component, double click it to edit it, then push/pull the rectangle to the height of the finished table leg. If all four legs will be the same except rotated for position, I'll copy the leg to the next location and rotate it 90 degrees to orient it properly. Then I'll copy that second leg and move it to the next location, again rotating it 90 degrees for proper orientation, and the same for the fourth leg. Now when I add a mortice to one of the legs, each of them will get a mortice on the proper face. For an apron, I will begin by drawing a rectangle at the proper location on one of the legs and (not while editing the leg) make that rectangle a component, double click to edit, and push/pull it to the next leg. The point is to make each piece into its own separate component early on. You table top, not being a component and therefore being "glued" to two of the aprons and other stuff is real hard to work on. Each piece of a drawer should be a component, and then the drawer components can be made into a component of components so you can move the drawer around as a whole entity, but you can also go in and make changes to parts of the drawer easier if need be.