Tall Ships
I spent yesterday afternoon down at the beach (along with about 500,000 others), watching over 70 magnificent sailing vessels leaving Liverpool for Ireland to begin the Tall Ships Race which will take them up to Norway and down again to the Netherlands. Looking from Everton Brow down into the River Mersey the other day it looked like a scene from the 19th century...a mass of masts, spars and rigging. I just wish I'd had my camera with me.
Here's a pic of the Brazilian training vessel Cisne Branco (White Swan) sailing along the coast past the Burbo Bank wind farm...sporting the biggest pennant I've ever seen. She looks rather dwarfed by the enormous turbine towers which are about 4 miles/6 Km away, so here's another shot in glorious isolation.
No doubt some models will appear on FF in due course.
That must have been quite a spectacle, hope you didnt get too scared alan
Man I bet that was quite an experience! Too bad there were no pirates! Arrrg!
Me timbers were well and truly shivered. Arrrg!
Well maybe there was one there!
Couldn't they actually sail? Shame to see no canvas.
Years ago I saw them leave Halifax, Nova Scotia, as a parade of sail. Dozens of them. I'm sure that throughout my whole life I'll never forget the thrill of seeing that.
Regards, Ross
Ross, there was a strong onshore breeze, so unfortunately they couldn't hoist sail until they'd cleared the inshore channel...by which time they were a little too far away to get a decent shot. Better luck next year.
I cant help but think about the contrast shown between one of the oldest wind technologies and and one of the newest (turbines). Thanks for posting the great pictures. -
Just don't try to tell the dutch that windmills are the newest wind technology....