The Alcove: a WIPtacular thread
As requested, this will be my gallery post in which I'll show you guys 'n gals my work. Some of it may be rendered (using Kerkythea), other images could come directly out of SketchUp. Suggestions are always welcome, as well as ways to improve models and make them smaller. I love small models, but somehow coughdetailinguntilmypcexplodescough I always end up over the 4 or 5MB
I think i said this before on scifi-meshes..but very nice and detailed work Borgman.
Both the shuttle and the ship look like plausible Trek ships....i wouldn't be suprised if you get a call from Paramount to work on the next ST series.
Happy trekking. -
Here's some other work. This is a trainstation capable of handling two medium sized sets of trainwagons, I was thinking of 6 carriages per track. The portals in front of the escalators are for use with a system of public-transit RFID cards; the warehouse didn't gave me any so I had to make them myself. I'm nowhere done with the lighting, still finding out what works best and fastest.
In the end I plan on modelling the direct environment of the station as well, give it trees and bicicle standards and stuff. First to finish the station itself, though...
A lot of views, yet zero response. What's wrong with that people?
Well, I rarely visit the forum over the weekend. I'm amazed at how you guys are able to produce these spaceships. If you were able to create a tutorial i think that would be good for the next Catchup newsletter. I look forward to how the space station comes out. Excellent work so far.
whew?.. where do you use thisstuffs guys?... its cool its wow
nice station, BorgMan.
did you use light-up for lighting or a render engine?
Thanks for the replies guys! I use Kerkythea for the renders, I believe it gives me the best result. Plus, there are a few users over at that use it, so I can use their expertise on the program whenever I need to
I've been tinkering with a NES Lite for some time now, this started a bit after I was trying to convert a NES into the Transformer charachter Soundwave. That, unfortunately, isn't succesfull up until today, but I plan on finishing it somewhere in the future
The NES Lite, however, turned out pretty good, the design incorporating a removable power converter and all kinds of shiny stuff. Here shown with an original NES and a cartridge for size comparison. When the cartridge is slid into the NES Lite, it will become flush with the rest of the casing. I'm thinking of a lid that revolves back when you put the cartridge in, a la the old VCR players, but I'm not sure of that yet...