3ds export options not avaliable?
I have just been prompted to update my sketchup Pro 6 program. After installing this successfully I have gone to export a model out as 3ds but it doesn't allow me to change my options. Any idea's why this is?
Many thanks.
Are you on Mac by any chance? I have read somewhere about such problems (though it was quite a long tima ago).
Yeah working on a Mac. Been prompting me for a while now about the update and have never updated, now I finally have I cant export out!
No, there must be some problem with the update. There were issues with the Mac 3D exports (in general) but they have been solved afaik. Try to download the program again and make a new install - I guess it should help.
O.k, I guess thats my only option.
Thanks for your advice.
I run a PC so I don't know what this means, hopefully you do. But the standard response to this issue on a Mac is to "trash the plist" or p.list or something like that. That seems to do the trick for most Mac users.