Some of my works
u re killin me!!
wow sir artistic mind...
WOAH... thats insane!!!! i wish i could model with that much detail. your models absolutely blew me away. keep going!!!
thanks for your comments
@Igor spend time your models and you will find the "details". It is really just a question of work
what is very cool with Sketchup is that it is really simple to use .....not a lot of tools to use(draw then push/pull) .Then let your imagination be your engine !
me, I usually work with a picture, first I try to do what I see, and then I change my model as I feel it .
Good Heavens! Do you sleep?
These are great!!
yes I sleep and I have a job
3 others renders I did with one matcap of Zbrush (a white one) and photoshop
ps click on the link under the image , and then click on the image appeared to enlarge it .
amazing sketchup
I want to be your fanclub
@fewdavid thanks for your comments
ok for the fanclub
here a picture I made with a matcap and PSP, it is not my favourite, I will try to do another one with the same "style"
Some inspiring stuff there.
Keep it up, looks like you are going placesa few tips for sketchup:
the lines you get out of "makehuman" are hard lines.
to make the human parts look smoother select those hard lines in sketchup, right click and then select "smooth edges"
the edges will be invisible at that point but you can view/edit them by clicking "view"->"show hidden geometry"A problem I would see with that approach is in your renders as you are using an 3rd party renderer so I'm not sure if your edges would still be smooth after
your export or import.A Rendering plugin for sketchup that I would recommend is SUpodium
quote from webby: "The free version will not expire. The free version is exactly the same as the commercial version EXCEPT it only outputs to 230 X 120 and 500 X 500 image resolution sizes."
You can get it here after giving your email adress: thing I think you would like after seeing your work is the bezierspline rubyscript which gives you more freedom in drawing curves (scroll down to, a PDF is in the zip file with instructions):
rubyscripts add functionality to sketchup, they have the extention .rb and need to be placed in the plugins folder to work.If you would like instant feedback on photoshop or sketchup you may add me on msn. my adress is russellbeta -"at"- hotma...
I can answer most questions off the bat on both topics in exchange for me asking some questions about ZbrushPS: the spiderlegs are brilliant
yep that email adress is right, will you delete it from your post though?
because bots actively surf the web looking for them and the more copies of my email adress are posted on the web, the more spam i will getkerkythea, I'm guessing you've done some research; does it work in making animations?
thanks russelbeta for your comment !
for the "hardlines" of makehuman, I wanted to keep them for these pictures because I want these "creatures" to look like "robots" and not like robot with human part . But thanks for the "smooth edges" , I keep it
for the moment, my approach for rendering is to apply differents matcaps in Zbrush to my volume, then to exports these pictures in PSP and put them together to have a nice picture .
I don't use a rendering motor yet, but I will soon . I heard about Podium and the limits of the size of its rendering for the free version ...That's why I think that I will use Kertkythea instead of it . It seems to be a good one and no limit for size rendering .
and you are right,bezier seems to be usefull, I downloaded it and will use it
@russellbeta said:
kerkythea, I'm guessing you've done some research; does it work in making animations?
Of course KT can render an animation...
Although the Walkthrough Animation Step-by-Step tutorial was made for KT2007, all basics remain identical with KT2008...
However, if you by "animations" mean that the model would be animated and then rendered, the answer is no...
And I haven't seen any render application capable of doing this with SU models...
@russelbeta no i did no research on Kerkythea, it is just that I need a free photorealist engine with no limits of size and a friend told me about Kerkythea. I have just been on the website and I like the gallery
crud, I've just bought SUpodium and ideally would need to make a walkthrough, a 2-3minute one with lots of lighting, detail and possibly moving section cuts.
its a hugely detailed model of a timber frame house, here, i'll post an imageI've still to import alot of things I've prepared for it, plasterboard, all the rooftiles, flooring, the plot, pool, foundation layers and reinforcements and so on, oak cladding, wall ties, patio/masonry details,... it goes on and on plus i've quite a few layers like the fireplace, furniture, plumbing/drainage and so on hidden in the model above. in short the model will have pretty much everything apart from the screws/nails/individual electrical cables. I've even prepared a model of myself to put into it for kicks
dunno if it is actually feasable to animate something with this kind of complexity because I've never seen a sketchup model so detailed.
maybe i should make a seperate thread for this topic -
@russellbeta said:
maybe i should make a seperate thread for this topic
yes may be
but it is amazing that you posted this here because I have exactly the same questions on a project i think about . It 's a building, and, as yours, something "big" with details and I wanted to make a kind of "movie", a camera that flies around it and shows us the outside and the inside .... in the sketchup scene (without colours or textures , just the shadows from the sun), but I didn't know if that is possible so...I don't know ....let's see if we will have an answer here but may be the best for your project (and mine) is that you create a new thread !
A movie showing just a sketchup render with the shadows from the sun is really easy,
here that will teach you how to make the animation.just incase it doesnt tell you this info:
when you've made a scene you can right click on it it and open the page scene manager, which gives you alot of control.good luck
thank you so much for that link !!!