The queen is hot, so get it on...
I just spent the last 15 min reading every line by our man... and this dude is the real deal... I did a research paper once on Ellul Vs. Shepard Fairey... and im sure neither is spelled right... your right there brother... Amazing language... amazing art... a truely relitively undiscovered art
I kind of missed this thread when it was started...
...and I will need to read this story a few times more.
But Mr. Hapke, I digg your brain !
...@Stinkie: No need to be coherent at first glance. Even a David Lynch movie is a coherent whole. 'Lost Highway' for instance: at first I couldn't grasp the thing, and definitely not the loose sentences, but after seeing it over 10 times (really
), every little detail makes sense to me. But I do admit: what I think is the story behind that movie, will not be the same story in the mind of someone else.
It's a puzzle with multiple solutions. -
"Apparently the Page is not a "boy toy" for the queen after all, rather, she is a mechanized magic pleasure mistress for him?"
You a Duchamp & Picabia fan boy, Durant?
Removed the last part of my comment as it was out of place.
Kwist, you and Durant may get a kick out of Rimbaud's 'A Season In Hell'.
Brothers, and Sisters,
Bringing it from the road -- dialing up the Jack bird dream machine to +10 from out in the center of AZ -- hot as a hack here.
Stinkie Spark, yeah, DADA... bring that, and Fauvism... DJ Mind Jack Moreau.
Matisse said of Gustave Moreau, "He did not set us on the right roads, but off the roads. He disturbed our complacency."
The Tarot is speaking to me of growth as of late, the QofC had her powers set all to high, and this is very hot.
My interest in pornography is expanding, as the drum beat of "secret consumption" grows ever louder.
I'm planning on building a complex alien porn machine...
And then there is the ongoing issue of the grays...
Did I report the Grays have their own 78?
Yeah, baby.
Durant "coax it out with a wire" Hapke
Brothers, and Sisters,
Bring it.
This Jack Zipper action is bird bird on.
Bring a big blasting glass of "I what it," and see the art.
Durant "what a good eye can do..." Hapke
I know illustrations arent always looked at as Art by the up noses that be... but your art is among some of the best i have ever seen... And yes... i consider illustrations art... i dont know who or why anyone ever tryed to discredit them... keep em coming... you should be hanging in gallerys...
Brothers, and Sisters,
All about clarity today, and connections.... What a big block of cosmic cheese.
So, on the porn front, I'm on a quest for the new... Not just hot heat, rather, the new in culture, and the new in each of us...
Ever notice youth is all about, "what's mine?"
As in, "I want what's mine!"
As in, "I'm different, I've not lived before, I'm fighting a new battle, I'm the Jack bird real deal, and I want what's mine!"
Well, I'm going back to that place, and I want what's mine, and right now that is a new take on visuals, and right now I'm finding that in porn.
Oh, does that sound like a rationalization? Do I need permission to look at all manner of naked jockeying, and hot vibrations?
Not at all, it's 0=00, and it's speaking to me now.
Can you hear what I'm saying?
Bring that.
Construction above contains a bit of a XXX cover -- Yeah, that's the box image from a killer two DVD collection of Stuntgirl Volume 1 & 2. Jack the Zipper is on.
This remix contains a bit of DH as AC -- bring the 78, and look for the mirror.
Billet Big Bird -- Swing that action you mad constructor.
Durant "on the pathless path" Hapke
Brothers, and Sisters,
Jack bird bring it.
I was just lighting a big fresh hump mule, and pulling on a brown bottle, when got inspired to "lay some facts" down over on a killer Trek thread... Yeah, that Marian model is a funk fantastic outing.
So got to putting out the word about the meat puppets, and thought all long and hard about said warning.
I knew, back in the day, that I had in fact got into a pencil and old school paint jag describing the hordes... putting a face to the bloody mindless Jack bird 'traitors."
With a bit of looking found this, but didn't want to snag the enterprise, so am bringing it here...
Lacking the stamina to continue the tale of Sam and her prison "beat bitch" (on yeah, that entire episode turned very "ribber gobble monkey in your pants..." and fighting and flying unfolded... in spades.... and threes -- the bad kind, the kind that makes triangles).
So, perhaps I'll find a moment to "spool out to you, my digital blast pack."
Durant "fire a little one right in here" Hapke
Brothers, and Sisters,
Nasty grays...
An alternate version of the same Jack bird image... this captures a bit more of the sad creeps...
What hogs will be of the greatest assistance in combating the inevitable invasion of the grays?
That's a grand question...
Jack bird mindless meat puppets -- though advanced, you know they can not hatch a single thought on they're own...
And like a bunch of "let's not," they can't drink, not a drop. Half a tall boy gets them so blisteringly tuned out of whack they can't manage to motor they're craft properly -- yeah, I'm talking Roswell. And did you know, they call earth beer something like: Billskumill-fulls?
Donkey jacks...
"Hey, BT, hand me over a big tall 'Billskumill-Flumes,' will you?"
But on a happier note, tonight is tight Camo-night...
Samantha has hot tight pants with a camouflage pattern -- rocking -- bury a land mine and wait for the unexpected action to set it off.
Relax, don't do it!
I'll pour you a cocktail.
Durant "bring a sharp stick in the eye, Mr. Meat-puppet" Hapke
Brothers, and Sisters,
I'm standing on a pile of fliers that I've been printing on my Jack bird old school ink jet printer...
Back in the day, it actually cost me a good bit of beer coin -- not like now, when they give them all out for free...
I saw this funky dude last week, all hold up near the Little China dumpster (not bad won ton... in the restaurant), and he was all asking for money...
"Change, mister?"
I just asked him about the time, that really screws with cup holders heads...
"No, man, I can't help you, but you got the time?"
And they always stand there and blink...
"Yeah, does any body really know what time it is?"
So the dude says, "Want to buy a digital printer?"
The guy only has on one shoe... and there's all manner of "dumpster grumble" in his hair, but whatever.
Anyway, there is this whole under road gray meat deal that's got me all caught up in thinking about the destruction of this or that planet, and I can't seem to shake it, so will be spreading the word with my printed graphics....
Not that wide, I guess, but down to the corner store, and at least as far as the Cat and Fiddle.
I want to write about the Tarot -- the Tarot of AC, known as the Thoth, but it's been bumming me out a bit, so will just have to get back tot that later.
Now it's about getting some soap and taking my head for a bit of an under dribble...
Durant "Pine scented" Hapke
Nice job Durant Hapke !
Ahhhh....motor on DH with visionary jackbird songs. Keep exercising said levels of self abuse to formulate the ideal for scrutiny.
Pour out another vat of emotion as the mouse wheel spins, merging mind to machine and machine to fill a vacant dream.Shine on brother....gratitude to you for the departed hour spent swimming within your cavity......holding a stranglehold on a longneck....held aloft to the transcending of rigidity.
(What an inspiring thread to stumble upon!)
oh: I thought he meant head cavity...and so on.
Brothers, and Sisters,
Bring it... Bang on it...
Not flush with time at this spin, but filled with "Push."
"Push it..."
"Be it..."
"Own it..."
I was watching some ants on a recent Jack bird jag down to sun fire hot AZ, and they were very big, and very busy.
Their God, it would seem, owns all of their brain...
Would their God be the queen?
The Ant Queen of Cups?
I was thinking about how Jack bird fortunate I am to have a good bit of will -- what a rare deal that must be in this galaxy...
Clearly the Grays, though technologically advanced far beyond the "machine magic" we are capable of here on planet blue, are very lacking in notions of free will.
Group think? Worse...
The complete inability to act out of personal need -- personal need to express uniqueness -- personal need to be separate from the collective -- personal need to make a jagged line in the dirt.
Their scratches would be for the other, for the larger "puppet world," for the meat...
Ants crawling all in a row....
I shouted at them, "I want to impregnate your queen, but she is far to small..."
Then I spit beer on them.
"Now think about your scratchy scratches..."
Durant "Sexperation" Hapke
Brothers, and Sisters,
Bring it early.
Bring it hard.
Reality is a vapor this sunday morning, and my head is filled with a jumble of oscillating fans.
Creativity is no longer a word from youth... It has soured like, and turned gray.
Few sparks, fewer flashes of importance -- chasing the sparkle lizard is no longer the joy.
What is the agent of rot?
Time would be a very simple answer:
"Oh, I'm older now, life is bound to loose it's flavor... I am like every man, I just need to eat, and watch porn."
Porn is an important key, it's youth and old age all at once, but needs to be studied, and understood from it's many facets -- it is a microcosm of "here," I am sure.
Is the loss of said Jack bird sparks all because of commerce?
I do blame the dollar here, I need it for beer and smokes, but when the fridge is full and I have a Camel running rings around the table, why is the need still large?
"I'll do that for a buck... but this other thing will cost you twenty..."
"What's the difference?"
"I'll find what you want for a dollar, but for twenty I'll search for an answer."
"Oh... That's odd.... I'll take the dollar version then."
It's all turned around now -- not about finding the sparkle lizard, it's about beating and rolling the creature into the shape of a five spot.
The truly -- then again -- It's not as simple as such -- It's not Jack bird time, or money needs; it's me.
It's my sad waning interest in the scaled, and bright tailed nimble climber I once so loved, and wanted.
Catching is in illusion, the chase is where the sex is.
Durant "my receptors are filled with shavings" Hapke
I like this
disguised building very much.
Keep it up
Prince 'dragon' of cok
Haha... kind of sounds like my roommate who just so happens to be an electrician! You should've kicked his arse!
Popping Power Prince 'dragon' of cok,
So into the name, Jack bird bring that action...
Have a pair of high balls!
This electrician dude, who I just chased out of here, talked to me before his departure, and said he couldn't leave the invoice deal, as it needs to be signed by the person who arranged for the work...
Not sure what he was telling me, or what had been arranged, but that's the deal as of now.
He also said that I was one lucky Jack bird to have the opportunity to spend time with such a hot number (meaning Sam, I had to guess -- he apparently noticed her awesome legs when she was dragging brown bottles to the curb -- she's odd like that).
I told him, "be careful, buddy, I don't go for electronic surveillance of my hot bodied muse" (of course Sam and I are on and off, more off then on, but when on, I'm all about being into her -- either way, I was spunky).
He was cool about it and apologized right away, but it had already seemed a bit uncalled for, so I through half a cup of coffee on his pants (is was only luke warm), yeah, right to the left side of his crotch, all messy like that.
"Now go find some wires to play with," I said, "and keep your wandering ear balls tuned to a station other then SAM-I-AM fm."
So, he's gone now.
The entire interaction was a bit uncalled for... Oh, well, perhaps he learned a lesson.
What about it?
LIfe is just like that as times -- cave dwellers with sticks.
Durant "I find it sad" Hapke
Big Bubba, Big Bopping, Ba of Love dude Jack,
The story has page two...
That electrician came back with a friend, some big dude that seemed all agitated about the coffee splash deal.
Jack bird "easy..."
I just happened to be out in the garage getting some apple Jack hard action, so grabbed that Swiffer Mop that was leaning there by the ladder, and charged down the drive at them before they could even get up onto the walk.
I said "Jump the Jack bird back you dangly earth sacks, you so deserved the coffee wash, take it like an stud, man!"
I was quite loud, I'm sure the neighbors heard -- sorry about that, but what does it really matter?
Anyway, I must have looked like I was really going to kick some Swiffer ding-dangle-dong-ding -- go all man-job up on them -- as they stood there for a moment, until the new dude said, "your not a like here..."
"Not a like here"?
What the Jack bird does that mean?
Is that some kind of "alien planet" deal? (like that television show I was on Discovery -- weird alien huge life).
You not a like here...
I said, "Wow, is that like a question, or a statement?"
They just blinked a time or two, got back in their truck and headed out.
I wish I had been drinking a fresh cup, I would have shot mister friend man a glob of "down your leg brew" as well.
Durant "feeling tough a plenty today" Hapke