π· GIF Exporter 1.1 | create animated GIFs from SketchUp models with customizable settings
Export lineart - poor quality
How can I export an animation with nice sharp edges ?
I would like to export a nice AVI movie, using hiddenline mode in SU.
Right now I have tired to export to uncompressed and uncheked anti aliasing - but the lines still seems to blur
Can anyone suggest the best settings for a nice output ?
Jorgensen -
Seems that exporting as animaion as images and then importing them into Vegas could be a solution.
When I've really need to get a good clean crisp animation I have exported as png files that 2 times the dimensions I want, then I shrink them down, giving nice crisp lines. THen I turn them all into a movie using adobe premiere. Its a little bit of a process, but it gets excellent results.
Thanks Chris. I'll try that