Admin Bldg in Brasilia (Podium render)
exterior view of a project i posted here in january, done in podium with some postprocessing. doubtless, there is much room for improvement but, what the heck, it feels good to be able to show some progress.
looking fantastic Edson.
Nice composition Edson and I particularly like the
transparent trees and people, they don't dominate
the scene. The only comment I would make is that
I would like to see a little texture in the steps,
one that fades off if possible?Mike
Very nice.
What is the blue against the building?
Edson owns Podium.
You're a great example of someone biting himself in a piece of software until he gets it on its knees. Your progress is remarkable.Great stuff!
pete, mike, eric and biebel,
thanks for your kind words of encouragement. they nourish me to keep on working to reach a higher level of expertise.
apart from any professional consequences it is really a pleasure to do renders like this. i must confess to having great fun at it.
eric, the blue at the bottom is a waterfall. check the earler post mentioned above to see a full view of it. that scene is one of the ones i intend to render soon.
mike, i will do some work on it to add more texture and shadows on the trees and people.
Looks nice, Edson..!!
How long time did it take to make this render..??
I can see that you've spend some time doing some post pro... -
hi kim,
this one cooked for about 5hs using the noisy_600 passes preset. i had achieved basically the same quality in 20+min with another preset but since the facade is protected with horizontal louvers (small aluminum tubes placed close together) the render showed the dreaded 'moire effect'. i tried replacing the actual tubes with an image of them. it did not work well as the render is not showing them. perhaps going back to the tubes and leaving it cook longer will get rid of that effect.
yes i did some post processing (about 20min worth of it): sky, trees and people were inserted in pp.
Sorry for my nob question, but doesn't Podium support spherical skies..??
I thought it would possible so that you wouldn't need to apply it in post pro...Any way... The time spend on this nice render isn't too bad...
Darren (aka Sintra) have posted some links to some nice skies at the KT Forum, maybe you and others can use these as well..?!
Reply from Edson:
not as far as i know. the alternative to post processing is to paste a sky image over a large face, which i did in the render i posted earlier.and thanks for the links.
Edson, you have come a long way in a short time: good work, excellant image!
thanks, tom.
an update with a few shadows thrown in.