How do i *find* an object of a certain material in my mode
Greetings all.
I've got a very large, complex model which has, somewhere in it, one little thing which has a particular material assigned to it.
This is a problem because I am using Maxwell render to render the model. And, when one material cannot be found, it creates multiple errors and greatly complicates the rendering process. The frustrating part is that I don't know what object has this material or where this material is on my harddrive.
so here is the question:
- how do i find an object which has a particular material (i have the name of the material)?
- is it possible to use a script or something else, "replace material X with default material"? or so on?
( i know about global material script (its great!) but i need something more precise in this case)
Looking forward to any wisdom which might be out there.
best to all
Hi Thinkbuild,
A trick might help in this case; there is a layerbymaterial.rb in the Ruby Library Depot. It would put all your faces painted by the same material on a particular layer - now it'd be easy to locate the culprit.
For your second question, the answer is easier; just right click the material in the material browser and delete it from the model. The faces painted with it will "regain" the default material. (Actually by right clicking, you can even replace it with something different)
Here's what happens:
ERROR: - File "/Users/jason/Desktop/080523pch-sketch-snow-test_Textures/\Program Files@Last Software\SketchUp 4\Materials\Wavy_Crosshatch.jpg" has not been found. Render cannot continue
So: Wavy_Crosshatch.jpg is the culprit.
BUT: Is it possible to show the names of the materials in the material browser? All I can see is the picture. But I am sure there is a more sophisticated way....I don't know what it looks like! Just the name...;(
There is a small arrow icon right next to the material folders' pulldown. There you can set the list to "List view" and you will see the names.
I think something is wrong with my material browser. It is using the regular mac os x color picker, with a choice for materials. There is no arrow I can see, only forward backward and "home" - does this look correct to you?
(I get the feeling my whole material palette is gone and replaced by the standard color one)
(Mac OS x 10.5.3, SU pro 6xxx) ....
Hm... Well, that's my PC window that I can talk about. What would that "List" button do in the bottom?
here is a screen shot with the "list" button open.
are there are any mac su users out there to share any thoughts?
i think something is wrong. it just "feels" like the material panel looks different in my memory but i cant be sure....hmmmmm....