.tiff export problem
Hi all,
Last night i was able to export .tiffs of my model at a width setting of 5200 with no problem. Today, after creating a few more scenes in hopes of imitating the dennis technique, i cant export didley sqat! I've tried as low as 3000 ppi width - NO DICE.
Thanks for the help.
Archi -
I just tried a .png export at 5200 ppi width and it worked - i might just try to use this file rather than wasting time trying to figure out why it wont export as a .tiff anymore.
I know choosing Anti Alias can effect export. You did not have turned on for one export and not the other did you?
nope, in fact i didnt have it on in the first place. The only thing i changed to the model was that i added a few scenes with saved styles.
Hi all,
Last night i was able to export .tiffs of my model at a width setting of 5200 ppi with no problem. Today, after creating a few more scenes in hopes of imitating the 'dennis' technique, i cant export didley squat! I've tried as low as 3000 ppi width - NO DICE.
I just tried a .png export at 5200 ppi width and it worked - i might just try to use this file rather than wasting time trying to figure out why it wont export as a .tiff anymore.
Thanks for the help.
ArchiPS - i did NOT select Anti Aliasing
SU does export tiffs uncompressed...so large ones are going to be HUGE. That may have something to do with the problem, if you have any kind of memory issue.
In any case, the png format is completely lossless, so it does no harm to export in that, especially if you're intending to post process in PS. You could always convert it to a tiff in PS if you need the extra channels....and save using LZW compression. -
Are you using a Mac? Have you installed the latest maintenance release? It seems export things can get screwed up if your preferences file (plist) gets corrupted.
His profile says Win XP, Anssi.
This is a duplicate enquiry. The other one is here .
Ah, thanks, Alan. I'll merge the two topics.
Sorry it took me a couple of days to get back. Surprise birthday party put me in "summer" mode real quick. No worries with the .tiff stuff. I was able to work around it, and all the info i was able to find said that .png was a better format anyway. i'm in good shape now. I just wish i was better at post processing. I've been busting my butt on some of the tutorials posted - but i was trying to use GIMP rather than PS to really no avail. I think i'm going to return this GIMP how to book and just shell out the dough for PS. Its just easier to work around - no bugs. I'm not trying to be a programer, just a proficient designer. LOL!
Anyway thanks for the trys.