Base Camp 2008 !!!!!
Well, Lewis, this is an interesting point. Of course beta testers need to sign this NDA with Google as well and there's generally no discussions about beta issues outside the Beta Forums. But these 200+ people who are not Google employess nor beta testers (with an already existing and "valid" NDA) I don't know how Google will be able to "enforce" this.
Certainly they will only talk about things they think are not too "sensitive" and can be leaked out. Like they did in 2005 (and even some features mentioned there are not yet implemented in public releases).
So I'm really curious what's up for the summer!
This seems pretty benign and mechanical to me:
IF you enter the Googleplex, THEN you sign an NDA. Period.
Thats OK.
All one of the people there has to do is open a new Hotmail a/c and mail the goss to have a dozen non-attendees...should do the trick -
image from |
Mike Lucey, Joe Esch(@Last CTO and co-founder), Brad Schell (@Last CEO, co-founder), Lewis, Gaieus, Solo
thanks Todd, I was not 100% sure, so I didn't want to risk it
That's a good photo (by Eric/"Grahama", I take it). I have a few I'll post, along with some other items, once I finish traveling for a bit.
Brad, as this photo was taken, was talking about his original "vision" for SketchUp: he said he conceived of it as a basic "3D engine" that others could extend as they need. I would say that has worked out!
@lewiswadsworth said:
That's a good photo (by Eric/"Grahama", I take it). I have a few I'll post, along with some other items, once I finish traveling for a bit.
Brad, as this photo was taken, was talking about his original "vision" for SketchUp: he said he conceived of it as a basic "3D engine" that others could extend as they need. I would say that has worked out!
That's interesting. The idea of SketchUp as an application platform was one of the main points of this video. It's good to see there may be a larger vision of SketchUp rather than being a tool for populating Google Earth.
Gaieus, I was looking in Google about your presentation of Archeology in 3D Basecamp... and I suddenly discovered this:
(I am always ashamed when my name appears in a newspaper, usually it happens when I win a prize of something
I hope you don't mind for putting the link here
What does it says...?
Hi Todd, I am suprised that you have any time to be looking at these forums, I counted at least 10 rubies that you promised to have done by the end of this week & I wasnt in all the same lectures that you where..
It was a pleaseure meeting you all, I am in Hawaii for a week or 2 I too have some interesting photos that i will share on a blog. I will post it when I get back. Does anyone have the link to the google phots that where taken at basecamp? -
I know, I know. I've already started on one!!
@unknownuser said:
I know, I know. I've already started on one!!
ToddGood, we're looking forward to all the great ones you promised.
Wyatt -
That's "Wild Pete" Stoppel (aka Solo) on the far right.
I do not find the place in the board index to learn what happened concerning SU at Base camp, apart from some photos and general comments ?
Marc -
They have posted information on the SketchUp blog. Here's the link. THer is still more to come though, including you-tube videos of most of the presentations.
After 3D Basecamp 2008
Follow the SketchUpdate blog for SketchUp news, modeling tips and tricks, user stories and more.
@unknownuser said:
The fawlty Towers 'Don't mention the War' scene comes to mind :
"Don't mention Number Seven. I mentioned it once but I think I have gotten away with it..."Seven is right out sir.
Looks like it has been a really cool event.
Out of curiousity,
Has the letter '7' been dropped at any time of the event?
Or was breakfast, lunch thàt good so everyone just shut their trap.
Google boys in preparation of 3DBC : "let's stuff them with good food and drinks so they won't pop the question, alrightiee?"
The fawlty Towers 'Don't mention the War' scene comes to mind :
"Don't mention Number Seven. I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it..." -
By the way, is 3DBC a date in time, as in 3DBC = 3D Before Christ ?
Indeed, before christ everything was 2D.
more 3db pics at