Things that really piss you off
@perk said:
I've already said it but I'm saying it agian. I HATE working on models that other people have worked on!!!!!!!
Doesnt piss me off at all, in fact i suspect this could help to greatly relieve all our anger based woes:
In the past I have found that company cell phones break nicely against brick walls.
nice one remus. took me a second to get it but its still very funny. i want one.
what pisses me off?? constantly receiving emails from the moderators of this forum telling me stuff I don't need to know under the guise of personal messages.
@john sayers said:
constantly receiving emails from the moderators of this forum telling me stuff I don't need to know under the guise of personal messages.
I count 6 Global PMs in the last 4 months. Are you receiving PMs from mods more frequently?
Things that piss me off? Having to sit here writting an addendum, and not being able to go to the 3D Base Camp.
i second that. that
A) you have to be 18 to go
B) you need an invite to go
C) i couldn't meet up with you guys at the hotel because my parents think that every one on the internet is a predator that wants to kidnap me. i dont share that belife. -
To Igor's mom & dad:
"Dear Mr & Mrs Igor,
Please, don't worry. We wouldn't want to kidnap your son even if someone paid us to. It's not that we don't like him, it's just that we prefer a clean house. And as you know, teenagers and keeping your house tidy just don't go together well.
Just print this and show it to them, Igor.
Walkign back in to the wall that is this topic: IE7, im sure its been mentioned before but i thought id mention it again for added effect.
Ive been using FF/opera for the past few years, and today i was forced to use IE again through unforseeen circimstances. Its like stepping back in to the world of win 98, 400 mhz CPUs and 20GB hard drives. Its jsut so dammed slow, you click a link, sit aorund for a bit, check your email, make a cup of tea and its only loaded half the page.
Perosnally i think its the reaosn why everyone complains about the speed of their internet connection, really their conections are superfast, its just IE taking forever to load pages. So to solve all your broadband speed-based woes, switch to FF
i second that. IE7 SUCKS. go firefox!
and stinkie, my parents are gonna kill me for saying that. they are so paranoid they have gone so far as to purposely install spyware on my computer, a spyware that sends them emails tells them:
A) what aplication i've been using and for how long
B) if that app happens to be internet, it tells them where i've been and for how long
C) and... this one is the worst... what ever i've typed. thats right, ZERO privacy, none, zip, silch, nada. they are going to see that i typed this when the next email arives.i HATE it. its called E-Blaster (sounds like something from the 90's, where everything was prefixed with "e") and the thing is, if i get a spyware remover and get it off, they will know and just put it back on and revoke the computer for about 3 months to never.
and yes, it pisses me off. big time.
that sounds like a very nasty piece of software igor, to me it seems it is basicaly a decriminalized piece of spyware. If it came from anywhere else I'm sure your parents would be rushing to remove it (if you even can, wiki says it is extemely difficult to remove.)
If your looking for a bit of poetic justice why don't you install it on one of their computers? That could be fun
P.s. If your listening igors parents, I was only joking
Ouch, Igor! I suddenly remember how frustrating being a teenager can be. Then again, mate, in a couple of years you'll find yourself in the best place there is: college. Beer! Loose women! Sleeping late! I totally recommend the fine arts department!
Now, I'm fairly sure your mom & dad are just worried, though. The thought of something happening to their kids, makes people do the weirdest things. I don't have any kids yet, but if I had, I'd probably head-butt any "stranger" who even looked at them funny.
My dad even sent the cops to my place once! He hadn't heard from me in while, and couldn't reach me (I'd busted my cell phone) - so he called the police.
"You Stinkie?"
(trembling voice) "Yes, officer ..."
"Call your dad."
At the time (I was 25), I found it a grotesque thing to do, but now (I'm 31) I'm not that sure anymore.
@igor said:
and stinkie, my parents are gonna kill me for saying that. they are so paranoid they have gone so far as to purposely install spyware on my computer, a spyware that sends them emails tells them:
A) what aplication i've been using and for how long
B) if that app happens to be internet, it tells them where i've been and for how long
C) and... this one is the worst... what ever i've typed. thats right, ZERO privacy, none, zip, silch, nada. they are going to see that i typed this when the next email arives.i HATE it. its called E-Blaster (sounds like something from the 90's, where everything was prefixed with "e") and the thing is, if i get a spyware remover and get it off, they will know and just put it back on and revoke the computer for about 3 months to never.
and yes, it pisses me off. big time.
There's an episode of South Park (which your parents probably forbid you from watching) where the moronic parents of South Park end up sending all the children away because they have terrified themselves so much by watching the news reports. First the news reports said that strangers were a danger so all the kids had to wear ridiculous homing beacons in case they were kidnapped. Then the news reports said that it wasn't strangers that were the main danger to kids, it was actually people they knew - like neighbours or relatives. Then the reports said that most child abuse actually happened in the home, which gave the parents the bright idea that the kids weren't safe in their own homes, so they sent them off to fend by themselves.
Your parents are South Park parents. Parents so scared of what they see on the media that they end up doing utterly stupid things in the name of protecting you.
Sure, they should keep an occasional eye on you and check that you are not doing anything daft. They should advise you of the possible dangers that are out there. But installing a program like that on your computer is completely and utterly wrong. Teenagers need an element of freedom to learn about who they are.
I feel really bad for you. I hope your parents are otherwise good, decent parents, but in this situation they totally suck.
I suppose they probably wouldnt see the funny side in visiting lots of really untoward websites, either. Unfortyunate really as i can think of a few sites that would make them look again
@jackson said:
@john sayers said:
constantly receiving emails from the moderators of this forum telling me stuff I don't need to know under the guise of personal messages.
I count 6 Global PMs in the last 4 months. Are you receiving PMs from mods more frequently?
I have 13 messages in my inbox, one is from another member of this forum, the rest are moderators telling me stuff I could easily read as a thread posted in the forum. PM stands for personal message, it doesn't stand for moderator spam. This is the only forum I attend that does this. Considering this forum appears to have more moderators than members it's very annoying.
hey, thanks for all the support, guys. my parents said they weren't checking the emails anymore, but (unfortunatly) i dont quite trust them on that. and about the whole south park parents thing (and you were right, i am forbidem to watch it), yes! thats exactly how i feel! they go to seemingly unreasonable lengths to "protect" me from something that happens to one in a billon internet users, so much that it makes me miserable. they're great parents otherwise, but this one thing just makes me sooooo mad.
and yes remus, i have done reasearch on it and it is really hard to get off a computer. when i did look for ways to get it off, they noticed and took copmuter away for about a month exept for homework)
i know the rules "dont ever, ever, ever, ever, ever give my name or adress or picture or phone number away on the interweb. i know that. i gave my age because, well, lets face it, how many thousands of 14 year olds are on the web? that doesnt narow it down any. my parents made the point that "people dont listen to younger people's opinions". i have found that to be un-true here.
other wise, life is good
If theyre not reading the emails id ask them to uninstall it (eblaster.) Its only a risk to your safety it sitting there sending info about your internet habits flying around the web
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