Tweening help
Does anyone know a good and easy to use software to create tweening?
Tweening is a morph between two images seamlessly, like say a SU image and the same image rendered, like the Sponza image on the IDX Renditioner site that goes from line model to rendered image smoothly.
humm doesn´t windows movie maker do that??
Pete, will this help? Morph.
Thanks guys, I will give them both a go.
isnt macro media flash able to do tweens? i know its mainly used for stuff thats more cartoon-y, but it might work.
I don't remember what I used for the IDX version, but I think it was an animated GIF using PhotoShop. For the web site the size / quality ratio is typically in favor of size.
I sometimes use Flash if I can make the frame rate high enough.
For presentations I found the easiest, most cost effective and fastest way to get results is to use Keynote on my Mac, create two slides and set the transition between the slides to "Dissolve" and change the default timing to something like 4 or 5 seconds, depending on how dramatic I want the effect. To share it I then just use the Export to QuickTime option in Keynote. Look at - it shows a tween of a model that I found on 3D warehouse and then rendered in Renditioner.
For really fancy stuff I use Final Cut Pro and Apple's Motion. shows an example of a number of still renderings that I created in Renditioner. I used a SketchUp model called Barcelona.skp that I found on the web, edit it, added some lights and did a couple of renderings with different lighting conditions. I then created an HD movie, used renderings of 4096x4096 to give me space to move the camera in Final Cut and Motion. The intro section where the multiple stills spin around a virtual cube was done in Motion. I added all the transitions in Final cut.
The GIF version ( was done with in PhotoShop using a Renditioner rendering that William did. GIF is limited to 256 colors and it contains all the images for the tween in one single file. In this version I have a starting image staying 2 seconds, 20 tween images displaying for .1s and then the last image that displays for 2 seconds. You can see the transitions because of the long transition time and the dramatic differences between the rendered an non-rendered versions.
I suppose the important questions is what you want to do with it. For presentations I always use Keynote with QuickTime or WMV files. I find Keynote much easier to than PowerPoint, especially when I want to use video with text overlays, opacity, movement of the video on screen.
Sorry for the long response, you just happened to ping one of my active hobbies.
For some reason it does not work embedded here but here's the link also:[flash=200,250:qwvehz0w][/flash:qwvehz0w]
I made it with SquirlzMorph (what Eric suggested), a really easy to use little freebie (thy two kids are my brother's kids and I wanted to make a little fool of them).
Edit: for some reason it does not start automatically embedded here: right click and check Loop then check Play.
I used Squirlz Morph too for what I needed it and it worked great, so thanks guys.