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Good places for HDRI images
Like it says.
http://www.evermotion.org/index.php?unfold_exclusive=84&unfold=exclusive Lots of good quality images, quite styilised though.
http://www.hdrimaps.com/downloads.html A few images, interiors/cityscapes.
http://www.hdrmill.com/Freebies.htm A small collection, not bad though.
http://gl.ict.usc.edu/Data/HighResProbes/ Only a few but theyre good quality and come in either .exr or .hdr
Anyone got any other hidden secrets theyd like to share?
http://hdri.3dweave.com/library/ this ones very good, lots of images.
p.s. i jsut realised what a bad place thi is for this thread, feel free to move it.
Many Thanks Remus, there are some very good images.... nevermind the bad place!