won't delete!
I just got a spam email with a link for a Carmen Eletra sex tape (no I didn't click it :`) but it won't delete, trying to manually move it causes a error message, restart didn't help.
Should I be as terrified as I am? Can anybody suggest how to remove?
hi tomdesk
try clearing out your cookies.
Are you using Outlook?
Sorry, should have mentioned I'm using Outlook Express (and I've never understood where the emails are stored or how to access them out of the program). But...
...nevermind: I put in some porch time then tried creating a new folder, could indeed then move the email there, then successfully deleted the folder. Whew!
What the hell was that?!?
Was it just that email that you couldnt delete?
and did you ever get that video downloaded?
You guys are soooooooo..............compassionate!?!
hey! how'd you know it was Ms elektra in that video? let alone the content of that video?
is there something you not telling us? (just kidding)
Believe me...the message saying "just one click away from CE porn video" is of no interest to Jane Fonda, MM, or even better: Hailey Mills...then I might not have an OS left to be speaking thru right now? 8~))
should read "ruining you computer and losing all your files to a virus, just one click away"
You mean those emails i have been getting arent legitimate attempts to sell me cut price goods? i would never have guessed it!
Tom, it's probably already occured to you, but you should run your AV program just to be sure it didn't leave any nasty surprises.
Good advice Daniel, and you might even double check by using 's online free scanner.