View hidden geometry toggle icon
Hi everyone. I have recently downloaded the xray and perspective toggle plugin and i use it very much. I wonder if anyone known how to make a script that will toggle between "view--> hidden geometry" and not view it. I would like to put that icon near the sketchup's 6 render boxes (xray, textured...).
Many thanks for your help and sorry for my english
You could just set a keyboard shortcut for that. Since it is one of those on/off things the shortcut would have a toggle operation.
Many thanks for your quick response, Dave R. But i'm used to work with icons, and i would like to make one, it doesn't matter what png image would it have. I have no idea of ruby scripting and i don't know if it's possible too. But thanks again, i'll keep trying
I have a nice icon for that, and a few others. There's been a lot of requests for Toolbar buttons for individual functions, and I'll try to get a custom toolbar plugin out soon.
Thanks you so much Jim!
I've split the Custom Toolbars discussion off to a new topic: