π‘ LightUp 7.1 | SketchUp's only real-time renderer that uses object-based rendering
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What's your sketchup use?
What do you use sketchup for?
Somehow sad that you can't select 2 or 3 options, cause I don't use SU solely for Architectural purposes...
it used to be -
Moved to Corner Bar.
I too cannot vote as I use it for 3, sometimes 4 different uses.
50% Architecture
40% Design
10% Other use -
I use it for everything on the list except education
I use SU primarily for product/industrial design, specifically furniture design. I also use it to incessantly redesign my house to my wife's everlasting frustration.
Making porno movies
@unknownuser said:
I also use it to incessantly redesign my house to my wife's everlasting frustration.
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