One Component - Two models - One Style - different Look WTF?
Good morning all over the world.
I have a biiiiig tent made up from smaller tents. three components make the tent.
I use it in two different models. I saved the style of one model and loaded it in the
other. I should get the same look, right? But I don´t. Aaaand I don´t get it. (we need asmylie )
here´s what it should look like
and what it does
and the component
Any ideas would be highly appreciated. I have none, left. Found nothing in the forum after half an hour search. Found lots of other cool things though. Alas nothing to help with my current problem and company time should not be wasted, aye? cough I know - it´s research.
To me it doesn't look like a style problem, it looks like there is a plane covering all the openings like a big ceiling plane that isn't supposed to be there. Did you draw a big outline around the ceiling areas possibly creating a plane that you didn't mean to?
Well, PeterB
That was one of the first things I checked. Please believe me when I say there´s no plane
there. It get´s lost in the cropped picture but in SU one can see the same form as in the first pic, but only very, VERY faint. I ended up copying the second model into the first, save it as a new one and delete the first so I ended up with the second model finally having the same look as the first one but..... how´s this possible??? -
This might be one of the "big model weirdness" symptoms. Is your model far (like miles or kilometers)from the SU origin point? Or does it have some stray parts that are far away. Typically it occurs when the model originates from a CAD drawing with some map info in it - it might be hundreds of kilometers from the origin, and it makes the OpenGL display system do weird things.
Hello Anssi
Thanks for your two sents. NEver heard of that problem. But it´s not that either. The model is entirelly created in SU and is pretty much build around the point of origin.
Oh well. I got the pics in the end. Can it be that SU is still a pretty buggy app?