You know you're a SU addict when...
You know you're a SU addict when...
You wake up from one of those "falling dreams" only to realize it was just a zoom in SU dream.
You finally have something to post in the gallery, and you keep coming back every 15 minutes to see if someone posted a comment.
@unknownuser said:
You finally have something to post in the gallery, and you keep coming back every 15 minutes to see if someone posted a comment.
when you are logged on on SCF 24 7
When you are in the Admin panel and checking out orphaned attachments* and you exactly know who added a certain image for instance even without the forum software indicating the poster's name.
*uploaded attachments that are - for some reason (maybe the original poster finally changed his mind) - not attached to any posts
I saw a pool of light coming down the stairwell onto the hallway floor the other day and caught myself wondering whether it was a rendering error.
... when you're browsing through photos of buildings etc. and get annoyed when you can't orbit around them!
When you keep trying to use SU commands/input modes in your cad program, out of habit.
When you look at Daniel's wet dog and wonder how difficult it would be to model.
When you walk towards a wall while holding a keyboard and pressing Alt...
When you go outside with a camera just in case you see a texture you needed...
@unknownuser said:
ZYX wrote:
When you go outside with a camera just in case you see a texture you needed...
+1!You get your kids digital cameras for Christmas and send them on a texture assignment the very next day ...
You get your kids digital cameras for Christmas and send them on a texture assignment the very next day ...[/quote]
He he kewl -
. . . don't tell me I'm the only one that does this . . . please . . . fries taste SO much better with Sketchup . . . really . . .
. . . is this a sign . . . do I need help . . .
You look at objects around you and see the hidden geometry in them
You wish you could group her followed quickly with FFD . . .
you go thru withdrawl when the SCF site goes down . .. .
Brad, that made me cringe
...when you get RSI from too know...doing the old...ctrl/alt/shift