XP 64 on an Intel Mac?
VmWare yes, Parallels No
Oh no, no. I'd be using Bootcamp. Just wondering if everything would work fine using either XP 64 or Vista 64. Don't want to spend a lot of cash only to find out stuff doesn't work as it should.
Kwisten commented in another thread his Vista 64 installation works perfectly on his Mac, though.
I believe Chris bought an octo-core Mac pro and dumped the Mac Os for the Vista one (or something like that)
Eh? You mean he isn't using Bootcamp? Is that even possible?
That I don't know, however considering Macs these days are Intel based, I would assume that it could be done.
Hmmmmm, it probably can be done, but i cant see any harm in leaving os x on there. Its not really going to take up a huge amount of space and would probably be better if it all goes pear shaped.
Im not really sure whyd youd want to buy a mac pro jsut to put vista on it, tohugh. Mac hardware is very over priced.
p.s. my dads just ordered an octo mac pro for work, fingers crossed i'll be allowed to put indigo on it
I tihnk he's also got a copy of vist 64 to go on it, so im certain vista 64 will work.
I have not intention of completely removing Leopard. And as far as installing Windows goes, it's just convenient. Indigo doesn't come Mac flavored. And Maxwell works better under Windows too. As does SU, I feel.
Hmmm, i could have sworn there was a mac version of indigo, obviously just wishful thinking.
Hi Stinkie,
Yeah, I am using bootcamp and have a dual boot.
The macos X goes on the small default (320 Gb) drive, and Vista64 is installed on a separate larger one(750Gb).I set the system to boot Windows by default. If I would need MacosX I push the power button while holding the alt key which brings me to the bootscreen.
Really, no hickups with Vista64 yet and all my apps (older 32 bit ones included, run smoothly).
The only thing that doesn't work is my old A0 pen plotter (HP 755CM), because Hewlett Packard stopped support for that device and there isn't a 64 bit driver available.On the other hand, my 12 year old A4 inkjet printer (also HP) DOES work
...Go imagineAs an advice I would recommend everyone who buys a new PC (or Mac) to go for a 64 bit version, as 32 bit will soon be a thing of the past.
The knowledge that 32 bit doesn't support more than 3 GB RAM is prove of that, as new PCs will demand more and more RAM. (Even standard laptops these days already have 3GB installed).About me working 100% on windows and not on MacosX: it's a personal choice but I am so used to windows that I don't see the benefit of going MacosX...
The bad press Windows has gotten about Vista is exagerated imho (unless you are a network administrator at a really big firm.)For personal use and small business use, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Vista (or Xp).
Allrighty. I'm gonna get me Ultimate, I think. Which one are you running?
And as for the whole Mac OS/Windows thing - I just choose depending on my needs. Debating over which one's better, I gladly leave to parka wearing geeks.
Vista business is installed but I don't think it really matters which version you buy .
(Who knows the differences anyway)
The main difference, I think, is that both Ultimate and Business support + 8 GB of RAM, whereas the other 64 bit versions don't.
Not that I'm gonna install more than 8 GB at the moment, but you never know what the future brings. Me thinks I'm leaving the office early today (boss is out anyway). Gotta go to HCW in Schoten.
They've got Ultimate for 319 €. http://www.hcw.be/p.aspx?p=H6136
Thats a bit lame really, that other versions dont support more than 8GB of Ram, as i would have thought half the point in getting a 64 bit machine is so you can cram it full of ram (if your loaded, of course.)
Yup, that's lame indeed. And as for prices: that's where I'd choose Windows over Mac any day.
My God, Is that true? Only 8GB supported in the other versions?
Thank god I chose Business as I already have 8GB installed and hope to increase the RAM even more in the future when it would be needed...(By the way, don't buy Mac RAM...there are other brands 3 times cheaper with the exact same features.)
Really? Which ones?
I must correct myself: Home Basic 64 supports 8 gb, Home Premium supports 16 gb, and Ultimate, Business and Enterprise support + 128 gb.
So Home Premium 64 might be enough for me.
But how will you ever be able to do 50,000x50,000 renders with only 16gb of ram? You wont stand a chance stinkie, upfrade, you know you want to
Well, Remus, I went shopping, and finally decided upon getting Ultimate, so ...
Anyway, I think 8 gb will last me a while. -
Mornin' SU folk!
I tried to install Vista Ultimate 64 bit on my Mac Pro last night, but: no dice. The 32 bit version (which I tried also) installed just fine, but the 64 one ... This is what happened: I started up the Bootcamp Assistant and made me a nice Windows partition. When that was done, the computer rebooted to start the actual installation process (the Vista cd-rom was already in the drive, of course). When it did, it showed me a nice black sceen, with nice white letters on it:
Select CD-ROM Boot Type
Now, it seems obvious I have to make a choice at this time: 1 or 2. Apart from the fact I have no clue what either of these choices are, I cannot type squat. The computer doesn't respond to the keyboard.
Any thoughts? Aphorisms? Poems?